Chapter One

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It's so big and bright in here! she thought as she pulled her little suitcase. It was getting old and the floral pattern was fading, but she couldn't bear to be parted with it. It held too much sentiment.

The walls were a blank slate of gray, full of possibilities for artwork, but those weren't allowed, of course. The lights were hospital bright, and the metal floors made a funny, almost tinny sound as she walked.

They said it was room H35. Oh dear. I think I'm lost!

It was a big ship. A venator-class star destroyer to be exact. When she'd boarded, she'd expected that the halls would be fuller. It did, in fact, house a great quantity of the Republic's finest troopers.

The girl smiled, hoping that she'd get along with them well.

There was also the other matter to think about - the Jedi General and his young Padawan.

She was supposed to be around my age. I hope we can be friends too.

The young woman sighed, pushing a stray wave of her hair behind her ear. It really would be wonderful if she could find her room. She wanted to get to the medbay and meet with the head physician.

What was his name? I can't call him by his cee-tee number. That'd be mean. And I can't just call him 'medic.' He probably gets enough of that anyway. Oh, dear, what was his name!

As she turned a corner, she gasped, trying to stop but not making it in time. Arms covered in a protective casing of armor grabbed her, keeping her from falling over from the impact of their collision. She dropped her suitcase and grabbed at his shoulders, trying to steady the surprised trooper as well. He dropped his helmet.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she apologized, escaping the rescuer's embrace to bend down and retrieve his helmet. "I shouldn't have been so distracted!"

"That's quite alright, ma'am. I could say the same for myself." He took the helmet from her and tucked it under his arm against his side. "You must be Kix's new errand runner."

"Oh! Thank you!" she exclaimed. "I was having a time trying to remember his name. Thanks for reminding me!"

He smiled. "You're welcome. I'm Jesse."

She took his hand and shook it with a sweet smile. "I'm Ella. Ella Starrow."

"It's good to meet you," he said. "Did you just arrive?"

"Yes, I did," she answered. "This place is so... so big! And it sort of feels empty. Like you could pack a million people in it and it still would never fill."

"Strangely accurate," he agreed. "Judging by your luggage, you haven't found your room yet, have you?"

She sighed and shook her head, "I'm lost," Ella whispered, as if it were a dangerous secret.

Jesse chuckled. "I'm sure I can help you sort it out. You'll get used to the layout soon enough."

"Thank you!" she said brightly, and grabbed her suitcase again, following him. "How long have you served?"

"Almost two years, I think," he replied.

"That's a long time, isn't it?"

He shrugged, "Depends on how you look at it. I don't think it's been a short while, of course. It feels like we've been at war for ages. But I know that it isn't as long as some of the real veterans."

"Ah. I see."

"Where do you come from?" he asked.

"Have you heard of a little remote planet called Veritas?" she asked.

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