Chapter 4: Showtime

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A week had gone by since your second day, you had arranged the arrival of your Hellcat (today at 12:30), met some new people, and most importantly grown much closer to Monika. The two of you almost spent all day together, and you could almost tell that she liked you back. It seemed like Jordan had found a new friend as well. A former colleague had been flown in last week along with a special forces legend. Sam Fisher, or Zero, as he was called, had decided to permanently join Team Rainbow. However, Aruni/Apha Tawanroong was still in the process of deciding.

Speaking of Jordan, you were currently beating him in a game of ping pong, 15-12. You were playing on a table back at the house. You served the ball to the right side, which he quickly countered to your left. You hit the ball directly up the middle of the table, to which Jordan swung hard. And entirely missed. Your ball had curved left on the last second. Jordan's shocked expression brought a smirk to your face.

"What the... How did you do that?" He asks you, confused.

"It's all about how you hit it." You reply.

The game eventually ends with you winning 21 to 16. Right as you put up your paddle, Monika and Eliza walk in.

"Hey, we were thinking about heading down to the shooting range and doing a sort of challenge, you guys down?" Eliza asks

"Loser buys lunch?" Jordan asks with a smile.

"You might as well start opening your wallet already Jordan." Eliza says with a chuckle.

"We'll see about that, 'Liza." Jordan replied.

The rules were simple. Two magazines each, (60 round total) and thirty seconds to empty them. Outer circle was worth 10 points, the middle was 20, and bullseye was thirty. Loser buys lunch for the group.

You selected your M27 and loaded a clip into it. You hefted it onto your shoulder and began walking to the shooting range. Inside were your friends. Eliza held an R4C, Jordan had a 556xi, and Monika wielded a Aug A2.

Jordan set up the range (think of it like the GTA one)
And targets started poping up and down. Eliza had elected to go first.

By the time she have finished, Eliza had a total score of 1690 out of 1800. She beamed arrogantly at the group, flashing a "beat that" kind of smile. Monika was up next.

After emptying both magazines, the screen displayed a 1370, a performance that Monika didn't seem happy with.

[G] "Damn this gun, never liked it anyway!" Monika said, clear embarrassment and anger on her face.

After Jordan scored a 1540, you clicked the safety off and lifted your M27 level up to your shoulder. You removed your non-dominant hand from the gun and tapped the start button.

A robotic, feminine voice began counting down.




A loud buzz sounded as the range activated itself. A target appeared down range, and you squeezed off ten shots into it before it returned back into its off position in the ceiling. You glanced up at your score and smiled when 300 points showed up on the screen. Suddenly, two targets popped up on the left side. You aimed at the furthest left first, getting a tight grouping of five shots, and then swung your gun towards the second target, hitting 3 bullseyes and two twenty-pointers. For the rest of the magazine you hit eight more bullseyes and two 20s. Your next mag was perfect. Every single shot hit the middle of the target. 30 perfect bullseyes, rounding out your score at 1760. You turn around smiling, but are met with three shocked faces.

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