She walked to the bathroom and examined her face. Her eyes were red and sore, her lips were chapped and her hair greasy. Let's just say she didn't look her best. After taking a shower and drying her hair, she reached for her makeup bag. She covered the redness of her skin with foundation and concealer, after that she drew her famous winged-eyeliner and mascara making her black eyes gleam. She put a deep berry lipstick and made her way to her cupboard. She chose her shortest skirt which was black and had two small slits on the front, she wore knee-high socks and chunky black mary-janes. She slid on her white shirt and tied her long black hair in a high ponytail with two small strands of hair framing her face. She took her bag and her cloak and made her way down for breakfast.

As she went down the stairs she could feel the gaze of the boys carving her back. She felt powerful and hot and that's what she needed. She made her way to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Ron and Harry who were staring at her wide-eyed. Hermione had already ate breakfast and was at revising at the library.

"You look ... hot," blurted Ron.

Ava laughed at his red face, " Thanks, Ronald."

"Fred's not going to be able to take his eyes off you."

"Make that boy regret his whole life," said Harry whilst high-fiving her.

"I really need to find a date tho," sighed Ava.

"Don't worry, when you look like that you'll find a date in no time," assured Ron.

" Are you guys going with anyone ?"

They looked at each other, clearly embarrassed.

"No, I asked Cho and she's already going with someone and well Ron had his encounter with Fleur," hesitated Harry.

" Do you want me to go with one of you ?" she asked.

" Well we really would love to but Cedric would kill us if we took you away," said Ron.

" What ?" she exclaimed.

" Well he wanted to ask you since he heard about the ball but we kinda told him you wanted to go with Fred."

"Why the hell would you say that?"

"Well we thought Fred would ask you, but yesterday after you stormed out of the common room we told Diggory  you weren't going with anyone and honestly I had never seen him this happy before."

Ava felt a smile tug at her lips and her cheeks were a dusty pink.

" So he's gonna ask you today, but try to ask surprise, you're not suppose to know."

" Are you going to say yes ?" asked Harry.

" Well yeah, I like Cedric." Harry nudged Ron with his elbow and they sent each other a small grin.

" But that's not the matter now, we need to find you guys dates. Or at least you Harry, you're a champion."

" I can go with Hermione," shrugged Ron.

" No you can't. She already got a date, and a pretty good one."

" You're just saying that because she isn't going with anyone," snapped Ron

"Just because it took you three years to realise that she's beautiful doesn't mean no one else a spotted she's a girl," Ava was getting quite irritated with Ron's jealousy.

" I still don't believe you," he mumbled to himself.

"Harry, you're going to go with Parvati and Ron you'll go with Padma. They asked me this morning if I could find them dates."

" Fine but just for formalities, we'll spend the rest of the evening with you," said Harry.

" Sure, but be nice, they're really delightful girls. You're lucky to be going with them," she said getting up.

As made her way to the library Ava felt strange. She was of course excited and giddy about going with Cedric but she felt kind of guilty, she didn't want to lead him on. She always thought her little crush on him would never happened, I mean he was perfect. She really liked Cedric but she knew that her mind was set on one person, Fred Weasley. But then she tought to herslef, Fred was with Angelina, so for now Ava would be with Cedric . Fred surely didn't care about her so she had to move on.

In the library, Cedric was sitting at a wooden  table. As soon as he saw her, he sprung to his feet, fixed his collar and went up to her.

" Hi," he smiled.

"Hey," she smiled backed.

"I've been meaning to ask you for a while and I'm sorry if this is last minute. I understand if you don't want to come, it's totally fine. But I was wondering if you would like to come to the ball with me,".

" I'd love to go with you."

A weight seemed to be taken off his shoulders and he relaxed," Oh that's great. What are you gonna be wearing, so we can match ?"

" My dress is red, gotta make the Gryffindors proud," she grinned.

" I bet you're gonna look amazing. You look beautiful anyway."

Ava felt her face redden as a bright smile spread on her face. " Well I have to get to class but I'll see you later," she said as she kissed his cheek.

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