2. The Party & Him

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I decided on a black and white stripped jumper and black skinny jeans for the party, something simple and not too revealing. I decided maybe a little make up, brown eyeshadow and a little lip gloss. I didn't want to go overboard or anything. I probably wouldn't even be staying long.

I was finishing curling my hair when there was a knock at the door. Probably Lily.

"Give me a second!" I called. I turned off my straightener and answered the door. Sure enough, it was Lily...in a super short black dress. Oh.

"Hey!" she said with a wide smile on her face. "Cute jumper!"

"Thanks," I said. "It's one of my favorites. I like your dress."

"Really? I thought it'd be too much, but this is a Uni party after all," she replied. "Come on! Let's get going!"

Lily linked arms with me and we began walking across campus to the boy's dorm.

I have to admit, I liked Lily. She was really sweet and funny. She seemed like a good friend. I was glad I managed to make a friend on the first day. Made things slightly less awkward.

The party was well underway when Lily and I arrived, even if it was only 7:30. Music was blaring inside. People filled the place from wall to wall, many of which had already started drinking. Lily detached herself from me and disappeared into the crowd. I was all alone.

I looked around to see if anyone else was in the same predicament as me. Everyone was talking and having a good time, looking like they had been here for years. I was the odd one out, the black sheep if you will.

The boy's dorm had a lounge, much like the girl's dorm, where there were couches and TVs, most of which were hooked up to gaming consoles. While there were people around that area, no one was actually sitting on the couches, so that's where I went. Away from everyone, where I could be awkward and possibly not noticed. I plopped myself down on one of the couches and looked around, watching everyone have a good time.

I got myself into this. I was the one that said I'd come to the party when I didn't want to, so I couldn't really complain much. Maybe I could escape while no one was looking and go back to my room and mindlessly watch Anime and/or Doctor Who till I fall asleep. Yeah, I live a crazy life.

I was about to execute my plan when someone plopped themselves down next to me. It was a boy. He had curly brown hair and...and stunning green eyes. Like, I mean stunning!

"Hi," he said. "I noticed you were sitting here all by yourself so I decided to come sit next to you."

I awkwardly smiled. "Thanks."

The boy shrugged and extended his hand to me. "My names PJ, but my friends call me Peej sometimes."

"Hazel," I said and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you PJ."

"And you. I like your name. It's pretty." I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked down at my lap. "That sounded really dumb, I apologize."

"No no, it sounded fine. I'm bound to say something dumber," I told him.

"Well, we make a great pair then, huh. Two people who say dumb things."

We both laughed at this.

"So what are you taking?" PJ asked.

"Photography," I replied. "It's been a passion of mine since I was little. Ever since I found out how a camera worked I knew I wanted to do something involving pictures and stuff. What about you?"

"Cinematography (A/N: I don't know if PJ ever said what he was taking in Uni so I'm just guessing. If anyone knows just let me know)," he replied. "Second Year, actually."

The Boy With The Green Eyes // P.LWhere stories live. Discover now