Part 1

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A/N: You either found this account by recommended or by my Tumblr account, either way, welcome! This is really crappy but I honestly tried my best on it. It's pretty short but okay. Hope you enjoy-

It was a warm summer afternoon, in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Samantha and her big brother, Dallas Winston were planning to go to The Curtis' house. She was especially excited, because Soda and Pony would be there, her two best friends since she was born. "Come on Dal! I wanna go see Soda and Pony." Samantha whines as she tugs on her big brother's shirt. "Alright, alright hold your horses Sammy let me get some cash from Buck and then we can go." Dally laughs. "Can I come down and say hi?" She begs. "Alright. Get on my shoulders though I don't want some nasty ass perverts trying to take you away." Dally sighed. She hops on his back and smiles."You act so much like Soda sometimes. You've been hanging around him too much." Dallas teases, shouting over the noise. "I do not!" Samantha whines, kicking his back. "Ow Sam!" Dally puts you down and you walk over to Buck. "Buckyyy my brother needs money." Samantha says. Buck turns around and smiles at you. "Alright." He looks at Dally and smiles. "How much man?" He questions. "35." Dally grins. "Mkay." Buck takes a roll of money out and gives Dally 35 dollars, slipping Sam 15. "Don't tell him." Buck whispers to her and winks. She giggles a bit and hops back on Dally's back. "To our second home!" Sam says cheerfully. "Your getting too big to go on my back." Dally whines as he starts the walk to The Curtis household. "No I'm not." Sam huffs. "Your 14 for crying out loud!" Dally chuckles. "I. Don't. Care." She kicks his back again and Dally drops Sam, probably hoping for her to land on her arm. When he sees Sam land on her feet he looks sad. "Aw come on I caught you off guard." He rolls his eyes. "Asshole." She punches his arm, seeing The Curtis house from the corner of her eye, darting towards it and bursting through the door. "I called Dally an asshole, hide me." Sam squeaks. Two Bit picks you up by your waist and runs into Soda and Pony's room. "Your girlfriend is here Soda." Two Bit drops her on the bed. "Ow! Two why'd you do that?" Sam whines. "Because I can. Now go make out." Two Bit sticks his tongue out and runs out of the room. Sam glances over at Soda, who was shirtless and just staring at her. He catches her looking at his shirtless chest and turns a bit red. Sam's face flushes and she looks up. The two of them lock eyes and then erupt into giggles. "Wow, that was a nice way to say hi today." Soda smiles. "Yep, sure was." She rolls her eyes. "Just as I was looking for a shirt too." Soda mutters. "Put one on, I don't wanna see you half naked." Sam orders, throwing a shirt at him. "Your not my parent, why should I listen to you?" Soda puts his hands on his hips. "Put a shirt on Soda!" Darry calls to him. "But he's your brother." Sam giggles as Soda groans and puts a shirt on. "Did you like what you saw?" Soda wiggles his eyebrows. "Ew. No!" Sam exclaims. Well, maybe she did just a little bit. But would Sam ever admit it? Nope, never. "Where's Pony?" She asks. "With Johnnycakes somewhere. Most likely the park." Soda rolled his eyes. "I'm boreddd." Sam whines. "Let's go scare Darry." Soda grins mysteriously. "You distract him and I'll hide underneath the couch." She orders. Soda grins and he goes to distract Darry while Sam lurks around the corner. "Hey Dar? What's the weather for today?" Soda asks. The girl quickly slip under the couch, unnoticed. "Oh, It's sunny." Darry says without looking up from his paper. "Thanks." Soda smiles. He backs up, and then Sam pops up. "Boo." She grins. Darry shrieks and the look on his face was priceless. Sam and Soda laugh. "The look on your face Darry!" Soda giggles. "Not funny you guys." Darry's face goes red. As he starts lecturing the two kids, the front door opens. "Yay! Johnny, Pony!" Sam cheers. "You saved us from a lecture." Soda grins. Pony comes and hugs Sam while Two Bit and Steve tease Johnny. "Where'd my brother go?" She ask out of the blue. "He said he went to steal sumn." Darry says. "Oh alright." Sam turns back to Pony. "Want to go to the diner later together?" he whispers. "Sure." You grin. Every other night, Sam and Pony go out somewhere together, somewhat like mini-dates. The last one was a drive in movie, and it was really fun. "6pm?" Pony's eyes glisten. "You know it!" She smile. Pony brushes a strand of hair away from her face and Sam's face reddens. Why do I feel this way when I'm around Pony and Soda? She thinks to herself. She brushes the feeling off and Steve starts whining about how he wanted chocolate cake. "I'll make you some Stevie." Sam grins. "No letting Two Bit go near an oven though Sam, remember what happened last time." Darry warns. She laughs, remembering what happened that day. Two Bit was trying to make some chocolate cake, alone and he accidentally threw the batter in Darry's face. "It was a year ago and I was sorry!" Two Bit huffs. Sam rolls her eyes and Pony follows her into the kitchen. "Sam do you want help?" he asks shyly. "Sure Pone." She smiles warmly. The two of them bake the cake, occasionally stealing bits of batter from the mix. When they put the pan in the oven, they both walk outside. Pony puts his head on Sam's shoulder and her face turns red. Johnny opens the front door and Two Bit comes bursting out. "Sammy can I talk to you in private?" He asks. Sam looks at Ponyboy and he nods, getting up. Two Bit replaces the empty spot where Pony sat and looks at Sam for a while. "What'd you need Two?" She asks. "You like Ponyboy and Soda." He says in a singsong tone. "What?! I do not!" Sam huffs, her face reddening. "Yes you do." Two Bit smirks. "How do you know?" She rolls her eyes. "You were blushing when you saw Soda shirtless, I know you liked that and you think Ponyboy is cute." Two Bit says matter of factly. It was in true, fact. But how did Two Bit know? "How did you-" Sam started to say but Two Bit cut her off. "I read your diary last week." He snickered. "Keith!" She exclaims, her face red with anger and embarrassment. "Don't leave it on your bed next time." He shrugs. Sam punched Two Bit's arm hard and turned away from him. "Aw, I'm sorry Sam. But it's true you like the both of them. Don't deny it." He smirked. 

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