Chapter 1: Drama Club [Kai POV]

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My name is Kai Fong. 

There's nothing too special about me, I'm just a normal ninth grader finding his way through Republic City High. There's just one tiny little secret...

I'm a TOTAL drama geek. 

Ever since first playing Genie in the third grade Aladdin production at my old elementary school, dramatic arts have felt like home to me. Everywhere else at school I'm "cool Kai", just your typical, likable, and mischievous ninth grader. But in drama club I can truly be my geeky self. 

I reluctantly got out of bed, threw on a black shirt, jeans, and a dark green jacket, and got ready for the day.

"Good morning little bro!" yelled Bolin, my adopted father/brother, as I was walking into the kitchen. I could see he was attempting to make pancakes, and failing in the process.

"I got this Bolin," Mako, my other adopted father/brother, said as he walked into the kitchen to save the pancakes from burning. I chuckled, as this was almost a daily experience in the Fong household.

"So, are you excited for your first day back from winter break?" Bolin said while eating his half burnt pancakes. 

"Not really, it'll just be the usual trying not to fall asleep throughout the day, and then I go to drama club", replied Kai. Mako never understand drama, and he never understood why someone like Kai would ever want to do it, as opposed to something like football. 

"Well maybe you should actually put some effort into not falling asleep during class, cause I've seen your grades, and let me say that they need some serious improvement if you want a chance at passing." said the always serious Mako. 

"Yeah yeah, ok mom." Kai jokingly replied back. "I gotta head out, see you guys later!" Kai yelled.


As I had expected, the first day back was uneventful and boring. Even the jokes I cracked during class didn't seem fun. All I want to do is go home, and lay on my couch, I don't even want to go to drama club.

I walked into the choir room which became the drama room at the end of the day.

"HELLO MY YOUNG ACTORS!" boomed a loud voice coming into the choir room. I've heard about Mr. Varrick, the loud and eccentric drama teacher from South Republic High from other kids, but I didn't expect to see him at my school.

"I guess I should say that I'M YOUR NEW DRAMA TEACHER! Yeah I got transferred cause South Republic High hired some shmuck named Suyin Beifong to teach drama there." Mr. Varrick said.

The girl I was sitting next to whispered in my ear, "I guess what they say about drama teachers is true." 

I looked at who was sitting next to me, and I was surprised to see Jinora Gyatso. Jinora did NOT seem like someone who would join the drama club. She used be in the school book club, and always seemed rather shy, shy people and drama club do not mix. 

"Yeah the stereotype is true." I replied to Jinora. 

"I'm surprised to see you here, you never seemed like someone who would be interested in theater." I said to Jinora. 

Before she had a chance to respond, Mr. Varrick screamed, "BE QUIET LOVEBIRDS, DO YOU WANNA HEAR WHAT MUSICAL WE ARE DOING THIS YEAR OR NOT?" 

We immediately went silent, and Mr. Varrick said "Ok that's better, ZHU LI GET ME THE SCRIPTS FOR HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!" 

We chuckled as the eccentric drama teacher ran to his assistant. 

"Sorry my friend is calling me," Jinora said as she dug for her phone in her backpack, "Let's talk later, ok bye!" she frantically said as she ran out of the room. 

"Looks like this new year is gonna be an interesting one." Kai said to himself.

Little did he know how right he would be...

kainora: cyberlove [modern au] (DISCONTINUED AS OF NOW)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें