16.25- 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

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After that, nothing was heard, but there was just a feeling. Two actually.

The first one was the feeling of peace. It was quiet, but at the same time all kinds of noises filled her ears. Screaming, crying, laughing, talking, even amongst those that filled her ears greatly, it still was too quiet for her mind to process anything.

It was absolute.

It was different than anything she's ever felt before. Even as an angel, there was never this level of peace.

The second feeling happened to be the feeling of falling. It started before she lost consciousness, but once she did, it increased and increased to the point where she couldn't control the uncomfortable sense in her stomach.

Historia's perspective ended up completely different. Instead, she saw. She saw how where they were was a black bottomless area. There was nothing there and it seemed as if nothing was supposed to be there.

She was falling also. It wasn't just a feeling, but the literal sense of the word.

The difference was that it wasn't dark. Yes, it was black, but it was bright enough for her to see Ceitara's body falling also, except it wasn't a body that she recognized.

It was human, but it wasn't the Captain Cei that she was looking at just a couple of minutes ago. She seemed sadder, in a way, and barely older.

At the same time she stared, the feeling of peace started to go away, and she opened her eyes, slowly. It was dark.

Then she felt her mind close.


She opened her eyes again to the sharp sunlight. The blood from her hand was in front of her, and she was lying on the ground comfortably. There was a pair of eyes staring, waiting for her return.

"Are you okay?"

She recognized the voice as Hange's. "When'd you get here?" she said as she sat up,

"Not too long ago," they looked to the others, "What happened?"

"The void, I think I did something wrong with Histor-" she looked past Hange and then to her left, "Where's Historia?"

"She said her hand was hurting, so they went to the infirmary."

"Oh," she averted her gaze to the still bloody hand, "I think I did something wrong... I should apologize."

"Not yet. I want to know how you did it first while I wrap your hand."

"There's not much to explain," she held her hand out.

"Tell me why you needed to cut your hand."

"To expose energy, that way it'll work. I was far away, so it wouldn't hurt her."

"But it still did..."


"Okay," they were done with cleaning up her hand, "What was the void like?"

"It was calming, but it was a lot shorter than I wanted it to be."

"Here," Hange handed her a tissue, "You were crying."


The sound of conversation and laughs brought her away from the clutter of people. They decided themselves that it was a good time to share drinks with each other, and with Erwin consent, the party began.

It was hard to point out what exactly they were celebrating. For Ceitara, it was nothing. Not even the new discoveries were enough for her to drink that night.

𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 | 𝚊𝚘𝚝 | (beta)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz