In the orphanage last time, many children had squeezed in a single dormitory. Xia Ling had to find another place to practice singing and dancing all the time. However, the orphanage didn’t have any rooms specifically used for music and she could only practice in the garden and the playground. She was often chased out by people… Back then her dream had been to live in an independent dormitory.

It had finally come true.

She dragged the luggage until it was finally her turn. The logistics teacher checked her student ID number and looked at her weirdly. “You’re Xia Ling? This year’s chief? The rooms in the Training Camp are full already and we can’t make a room for the new chief. You can attend day school.”



Not only Xia Ling was shocked, but many new students who had not heard of such a thing before were also very stunned. Were they mistaking something? Attend day school? Imperial Entertainment’s Training Camp was clearly a boarding system, since when have they allowed day school?

As if to answer their doubts, the logistics teacher said, “The rules say that our Training Camp doesn’t allow day school, but since you are the chief, in the absence of a separate single room, you can only be an exception.”

Xia Ling looked at Xiao Hua beside and thought about it before saying, “It’s okay, teacher, I can just squeeze with the other students. Let me live in an ordinary dormitory with Xiao Hua.”

“How could I do that?” The logistics teacher said. “You are the chief. How could the chief and the other students be mixed together? That’ll spoil the rules! What is the chief, the chief is a special case, a role model! Someone unique! Don’t say anything more, just go prepare for day school obediently. Day school isn’t wronging you, it’s a symbol of glory, understand?”

“Ah…?” Xia Ling was shocked and could not react in time.

Xiao Hua, on the other hand, was extremely envious. She whispered to Xia Ling, “Xiao Ling, don’t you know? There’s no precedence for day school in the whole history of the Training Camp. You’re really under special care to be allowed to attend day school. You’re so blessed to be able to avoid the unified military management. If this matter spreads, many people will be envious of you.”

Xia Ling seemed to understand a little. “Then let me go back and ask my parents.” She couldn’t make her own decision on such a big matter. Also, she didn’t really like attending day school. Although the villa wasn’t far from there, it still took an hour to go back and forth. If she was to waste one hour every day on the road, how many hours would she waste in a year? She had promised Brother Pei to become an exceptional artiste. If she could use the wasted time to practice, it’d be so much better.

She decided to go back and ask Brother Pei if he could get her to live on campus.

Seeing that she wanted to go back to ask her parents, the logistics teacher said with a stern face, “I hope you can communicate well with your parents and not hinder the decision of the Training Camp.”

Xia Ling didn’t like people talking to her like that. She felt a little discomfort but didn’t want to cause a scene, so she endured it. She had originally been happy to report to school, but in the end, things became like this. She left the place listlessly while dragging her luggage and went alone to handle the procedures for receiving her textbooks.

Her heart was heavy with troubles and she walked and walked until she was lost.

By the time she returned to her senses, she found that she was already in the female dormitory area and the new arrivals were all carrying their luggage and moving in. Not far away, a few gorgeously dressed girls were surrounding Li Bingman and chatting away. “Sister Bingman, which room is your dormitory? We can help you move your stuff.”

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