Dream sucked in a harsh breath, wanting to kick himself for voicing his thoughts again.

"Uh, yeah I guess," He muttered.

George turned to fully face him, resting his elbows on his legs and one cheek against his knuckle. He nodded, letting Dream know he had his full attention.

"W-Well, um," Dream stammered, unsure of how to start. He decided it would be best to just spit it out before he changed his mind.

"The re-reason I wear my mask is because my face was mutilated as a kid.

George's jaw dropped slightly, but he urged Dream to keep going. Locking his hands together tightly, Dream continued.

"My mother passed when I was around five. We were walking home from the shops when a group of men jumped us from an alleyway. They tried to snatch me, but my mother fought them off while a passerby called the police."

Dream paused, his voice shaking.

"By the time the cops arrived, they'd already killed her and took off. Once my father heard, something snapped inside him. Nobody knew something was wrong until my grandparents came down for her funeral and found him rocking back and forth in the corner, mumbling her name over and over."

He stopped, completely turning away from George to wipe his eyes.

"I...I'm so sorry Dream, I had no idea."

Dream sniffled, "It's okay. Long story short, I went to live with my grandparents. The following year, I started back at school and some bullies cornered me at the end of the day. They mocked me for what had happened and one kid pinned me down while the rest pulled out their knives, tearing into my face. I was in the hospital for weeks; I'm not sure what happened to those boys though."

George was speechless.

Before he could stop himself, his hands found their way behind Dream's mask. With a click, the thick cardboard fell to the ground.

Dream gasped and tried to cover himself, but George gently brought his arms down. He flinched back as George gently traced a finger over a particularly large scar.

"He...he's not grossed out?"

Dream was shocked, but it soon melted into tears as he realized George didn't care about the ugly scars covering his face.

George sighed softly, pulling the trembling boy onto his lap. Running his hand through Dream's soft hair, he listened as the boy sobbed quietly into his shoulder.

"I may not ever be able to relate to your situation, but I want you to know that I'm so proud of you for holding on this long. I think throughout these past few weeks, my life has changed for the better, thanks to you, Clay."

Dream's sobs quieted into soft whimpers as George rubbed circles into his back with one hand, the other being used to push back Dream's golden brown locks.

Dream's arms were wrapped tightly around George's body, holding on as though his life depended on it.

The rai pattered quietly outside, filling the silence the two boys had created. After a little while, Dream moved his head to stare up at George, who wiped any remaining tears from his big, glistening eyes.

"You know," Dream croaked, " I lived here when I was younger. After getting out of the hospital, my grandparents decided it would be best to move schools but everywhere I went, the kids either got scared of me or made fun of me."

"We've moved to everywhere in Florida. Each time we would rent a new apartment, I would always unpack a few things with hopes of staying, but it never worked out. They decided to give this place one last chance since both of my parents are here and we doubted anyone would remember me. If this place doesn't work out, then we'll move somewhere out of state. Thanks to you though, I think I'll stay."

George's heart fluttered as he watched Dream smile for the first time. It was so bright, George thought he was going to go blind. Amongst the scars and cuts, small, dark, freckles dotted his cheeks.

George giggled, poking lightly at the dots. He'd never seen someone who has gone through so much and still managed to have a smile like that.

While George poked at him, Dream's focus slowly drifted to the rain dripping off the tree and hitting the window.

"I want to go outside."

"What?" George snickered, raising an eyebrow.

"I said, let's go outside!" Dream demanded, playfully tugging on the other boy's arm.

"Won't it hurt your scars-?"

"Nope! It hardly ever rains here, let's go!"

Both boys stood, swaying a little as their drinks had fully kicked in. They stumbled down the stairs, Dream unconsciously gripping George's arm for support.

"Now what?" George asked, the rain pouring down on the two.

Shaking his hair like a wet dog, Dream grinned.

"Let's dance!"

Before George could process what Dream had said, his arms were wrapped awkwardly around Dream's waist as the other boy held his arm around George's back. Jokingly rolling his eyes, Dream moved one of George's arms to drape over his shoulder.

George's face heated up as he realized how close they were.

"Dream, I can't dance."

Dream smiled, his eyes bright compared to their dull surroundings. "C'mon, it won't be that hard; just follow my lead!"

Stepping to the left, Dream led the two into a slow dance. He giggled every time George would step on his feet and apologize or swing in the wrong direction.

With a little bit of Dream's help, George began to get used to the movement pattern and lined up his footing with Dream's.

Dream connected their hands, twirling the other boy around. George stumbled from the sudden change, glancing up at Dream with wide eyes. Dream had a wild grin as he untwirled George and continued their original dance.

The longer they waltzed around the yard, the more time seemed to slow down and grant George a better look at the boy in front of him.

"You're so pretty," He mumbled, though it was barely audible.

Dream raised an eyebrow, sparks flickering within the endless emerald abyss of his eyes.

"Says you, your eyes are gorgeous." Dream slurred, glad to have finally been able to say it.

George winced at the comment and despite his drunken state, Dream realized why.

"Do you not like your eyes, George?"

Unable to look at Dream any longer, George lowered his gaze and shook his head shamefully.

"I've always been told that they're ugly; that I wasn't supposed to turn out this way." He grimaced at the memories of those words being shouted at him by his father, right before he'd leave for the night.

Dream noticed George's change in expression and frowned. Leaning in closer, he lifted George's chin to make their eyes meet.

"Whoever said that is so wrong. Your eyes are unique and beautiful, not to mention they suit you as well."

George smiled fondly, the kind praises a pleasant change from the hateful comments he usually received.

Realizing they were only inches apart, George glanced at Dream's lips, a sudden burst of confidence surging through him. Looking back up to Dream's eyes, he smirked and leaned forward, closing the gap between them.

Dream made a muffled sound of surprise before quickly melting into the kiss. George had moved his hand from Dream's waist up to his cheek, cupping it gently and tilting his head.

Fireworks exploded inside Dream's chest as he moved to get closer. Time seemed to stop completely as the two were completely engrossed in each other's touch, both enjoying the moment.

Or so Dream thought.

-1800 words

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