Once True

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Once you were mine 

Not yet part of this world but mine

Once I dreamt of you

Of who you would be

Would you be like him 

Or be like me

I didn't know you would leave

That you would go

Before you would ever came

Before you would even show

I didn't know what you would take

Once you left me

I wasn't aware it'd be my heart 

My soul

My passion

A piece of me

But you went so fast

It was over before it ever started

Now it should be distant 

Now that it's in the past

But it's not

And what you left

I haven't forgot

A longing

A need

A desire 

An angsty desire

Like hole it burns like empty fire

Like a hole, I am empty

I am bitter and I am angry

I am alone 

Alone in a world filled with thousands like you

And they make me angrier

Because they are not you

They are not you

They are not mine

They are not of me

Or of him


Why should they get to keep them

When I couldn't have you

Why should they have joy

When I only have morose

And when I see them

Their pictures

Their post's

Their joy

I am filled with a bittersweet rage

I am jealous

I am angry

I am sad 

I am empty

But more so 

I am lonely 

Because I couldn't have you 

I am disappointed

Because I couldn't keep you

And even more so 

I can't replace you

I feel as though I'm drowning

Suffocated not by water

But by need

By this ludicrous need

A need I haven't the capacity, or strength

To feed

What a beautiful calamity

What a violent serenity

I find

Lost in my thoughts of you

Of the what was "once true."

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