❃.✮:▹ NortNaib High School AU◃:✮.❃

Start from the beginning

Norton continued to follow the lesson that Ms. Mary was teaching but saw from the corner of his eye, the short brunette occasionally turning an eye towards him. He didn't bother looking back as he didn't want to get in trouble for talking during class, especially on his first day. About 10 minutes later, he then again, saw out of the corner of his eye, Naib staring out the window. With the back of his head facing him. Norton then took this time to study the brunette. He had about shoulder length hair tied back into a low ponytail with a few strands sticking out from the side. He had an olive green hoodie on and the sleeves seemed to have been stitched off, underneath of his hoodie he had a thin black, long sleeved turtle neck with black leggings and black combat boots. As Norton stared at Naib's shoes for a moment, Naib turned his head and saw the black haired boy staring down at them.

"What you got a foot fetish or something?"

Naib said to him, with an annoyed tone in his voice. Norton looked up in surprise and locked eyes with Naib's bright blue, sea like eyes. He admired his eyes before quickly turning away and responded

"No I was just looking at your outfit"

Naib raised an eyebrow at him before laying his head down on the desk.


The school bell went off signaling that first period had ended and it was time for everyone to head to their next class. A minute or 2 had passed and everyone except for Naib had left. Naib had accidentally dozed off and didn't hear the loud ring of the bell. Ms. Mary didn't notice he was sleeping at first and began grading papers at her desk. Eli then peaked through the door and saw Naib, he quietly walked into the room and nudged Naib's shoulder.

"Naib, wake up. You're gonna be late for Science. Come on wake up!"

Naib groaned and slowly lifted up his head to see Eli kneeling down next to him. He nodded his head and began to grab his bag.

"Oh Naib, I didn't notice you were still in here. And Eli, I didn't hear you sneak in. You have a minute before the bell rings, so you 2 better get going"

Ms. Mary said with a small grin on her face.

"My apologies Miss, I didn't mean to sleep through the lesson. See you Wednesday"

Naib responded as he and Eli got up and walked out of the class.

As Naib suspected, he and Eli were late to class. Ms. Violetta came up to them and got ready to lecture them about being on time to class. Naib shrugged it off while Eli apologized multiple times and promised to not be late again. They both sat down at their assigned research table and the class continued on.

(Time skip: Lunch period)

Naib, Eli, and Mike would always sit in the hallway by the bathrooms to eat lunch since none of them really liked the loud chattering of the cafeteria. Mike brought his friends, Emma, Margaretha, and Victor along with him as they didn't mind being with or around Naib or Eli. Margaretha and Emma conversed as the rest of them silently ate their lunches. A few minutes had passed before there was a sudden announcement that came through the school's speakers that were all around the school.

"Attention please, may Naib Subedar please head to the front office, thank you"

Kreacher and a few others walked by them and stared at him while whispering 'ooo someone's in trouble' loud enough for Naib to hear. Naib rolled his eyes at their comments and got up from the floor.

"Well shit, there goes my free time. I'll catch up with you guys later"

Naib waved them goodbye as he threw his trash away and headed to the principal's office. He arrived at the principal's office and gently placed his hand on the door knob, letting out a sigh before standing up tall and entering. He walked in and saw 2 chairs in front of Miss Nightingale's desk. One of the chairs was occupied by the new, tall, black haired transfer student.

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