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Kara's pov

Alex made me some breakfast but I was to distracted thinking about Lena, something about her made me feel funny, like something was pushing on my stomach. "Alex have you ever felt funny around someone? " I asked my older sister whilst using my super vision to watch Lena, she was getting ready for the day and then was just sat at her computer. "Well what do you mean Kara? A good or bad funny?" My sister asked cleaning up the plates. "Well I met a girl at school, and she has been the only person that's nice to me, and she's beautiful..." I sighed into my hand Alex gave me the look which made me blush. "Lesbian sisters aye? Well you already know that I support you know matter what. So tell me about this Lena. "

I went off for about half an hour just talking about Lena. "Sis you have a major crush. " just as she said that I heard Lena screaming so I quickly put my suit and mask on before leaving to save Lena.

Just as I got to where I heard the screaming I notice Lena was being sexually assaulted, "Prick". The man stood up and went to fight me but I easily won and went to go near Lena. She pulled away, she looked terrified, I moved away slowly before picking up her shirt and passing it to her. "It's ok, you're safe now... Lena. " Lena looked at the symbol on my chest and touched it lightly. I took the opportunity to pick her up bridal style before flying her to her balcony.

I laid her down on her bed but she did let go. "Lena let go please. I must go. " Lena still didn't say anything just pulling out my cape from under pillow, "no you keep it " I said placing it over her body. She looks so small, "s-stay" I shook my head and stood up "maybe call a friend? " she nodded her head and picked up her phone I soon left and landed in my flat.

"Kara where have you been?! " Alex asked me but just before I could answer my phone went off.

K: hello?
L: Kara, can you come to my house today or I could come to your's I just need to be with you right now.
K: yeah sure I'll come pick you up
L: thankyou Kara

After an hour Lena was in my flat and led on my bed, she seems so drained. "So you want to talk about what happened? " Lena shook her head and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Lena... there is... " before I could finish my sentence Alex came into my room and brought in some lunch. "Thanks Alex, Lena would you like to eat something? Or talk to Alex? Sometimes taking to a grown up helps. " Alex nodded her head in agreement and Lena pointed to the food, I handed her a small sandwich before making her sit up.

She eat the sandwich and said "thankyou Alex. Um can I talk to you?" Alex nodded so I left the room and let them talk, I knew she needed to talk to someone even if it can't be me. But I wish it was. I want to be there for her. I've never seen her so vulnerable before. It hurt, maybe Alex was right. Maybe I do have a crush in her.

Alex came out of my room and said "Lena asked for you back, I think she needs a cuddle. " she wiggled her eyebrows I just blew her off and said "we are just friends " I said going into my room but through the closed door I heard "I've never seen two pretty Best friends. " I say on the bed next to Lena and eat on of the sandwich's. "Do you want a hug? " I asked awkwardly. Lena nodded her head and lied her head down on my chest before cuddling into my side "TV please? " I nodded my head and turned on the tv in my room before putting Regular Show on. I soon felt Lena fall asleep against my chest so I just let her sleep and tried not to die of blushing. I do think I really like her.

SuperCorp The Red Cape. School Auحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن