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i was currently laying in my bed crying my eyes out of my head.. vinnie cheated on me with sophia.. she always gets what she wants, she's rich, let me just say it out easy she's daddy's little girl.

vinnie's pov

"i don't want you anymore, your so fucking childish and toxic and it was a mistake fucking you!" i yelled at sophia. i'm so pissed off right now i could go kill someone. i'm so mad at myself for cheating on y/n, she was the person i truly loved with my whole heart. i was drunk and didn't think when i fucked sophia.

when i came home the boys was starting at me but i ignored them and ran up to my room. i couldn't do anything but cry and cry and cry all night. i noticed y/n blanket in the corner and took it and cuddled up in it. it smelled just like her, i couldn't help it but cry even more until i fell asleep.

y/n pov
i woke up to my phone that vibrated like crazy. it was  troy. he left thousands of voicemails so i listen to one of them: "hey y/n uhm i think vinnie really needs you right now even tho i know you really don't want to see him right now but he's totally broken and he regrets it more than anything else. he's now asleep cuddled up with your blanket you left here. he cried nonstop before he fell asleep so maybe if you want you could come over. i hope i'll see you soon" the voicemail makes me cry because i know i still love him like some crazy obsessed girl. so i put on some sweats with one of his hoodies. when i pulled up to their house i took a deep breath and walked in. troy rushed into me giving me a tight long hug saying thank you. i walked up the stairs standing in frond of vinnies room. i walked in and there he was all cuddled up in my blanket with puffy eyes from all the crying. i laid myself beside him as the big spoon giving him a kiss on his cheek causes him to wake up. "y/n" he turns around hugging me tight and lovely "y/n i'm so so sorry i didn't mean to, i just wasn't thinking clear. i'm so sorry i love you so so much plz forgive me y/n plz" he said with tears in his eyes. "vinnie it's okay. you forgiven, i love you too" i said giving him a kiss after wiping his tears away.
we laid back so i was cuddled all up in his chest and fell asleep.

guys why did i cry while writing this?😭

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