32: Places We Won't Walk

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"Sunlight dances off the leaves

Birds of red color the trees

Flowers filled with buzzed and bees

In places we won't walk."

On the weekend Lyra avoided everyone. 

All they talked about now was Remus Lupin being a werewolf. To add in her misery, on Sunday morning her family owl flew by and dropped a letter.

Inside the letter, her parents asked if she and Draco were okay, they told her that the news about  Remus Lupin were everywhere in the prophet, everyone now knows that Remus Lupin, ex Defense against the dark arts professor, was a werewolf.

The first time she saw Snape again was the same day she got the letter. He was talking to McGonagall in front of the grand staircase. 

The urged to came up to him and yelled at him were overwhelming, she had to restrain herself to not make a scene in front of every especially now that she was a head girl. 

However that doesn't mean she could not do nothing about all this, so she walked pass both McGonagall and Snape before muttering something under her breath. 

She heard a grunt and a scream from professor McGonagall. 

Lyra smiled satisfied with her work and walked towards her safe place, the place she used to shared with him.

She decided to spend the rest of her day studying with her NEWT there, alone, where she could wallow in self-pity. 

The next morning, Lyra walked in to the hall to review the materials with Hagrid's and 20 other students including Crystal. 

Lyra gave her a small smile which then returned with a sadder one by Crystal. 

She moved her things so she could sit next to her and concentrate on the subject. She wanted this to be over with so she could cry again in her place with only her kneazle since Sirius was nowhere to be seen too.

By the time the bell rang, Lyra found seven new informations about three different beasts. It was hard for her to focus since her mind was anywhere except her papers. She needed to reread some questions to make it make sense to her. It was that bad.

And she still had the practicular exam. She internally groaned at the thought. She wanted to get this over with.

After the paper exam, she waited her turned like the previous exam. She didn't even bother to revisit her notes and anything. She just sat there blankly looking at the wall in front of her.

When her name was called Lyra walked to the designated place and looked to find a huge abraxan horse and a niffler. She was asked on how to tame a wild abraxan and demonstrated it with the horse. As for the niffler she was asked the ways to breed it.

After that she saw Hagrid guiding her towards the great hall to wait there but she took a detour to her favorite place in Hogwarts. She walked slowly to the lake not caring if anyone saw her.

"Lyra! Wait!" 

She stopped in her tracks and turned around to see her friends running after her.

"Are you okay?" David asked with a concern gaze

Lyra smiled weakly and nodded her head. 

"You know we are here for you right?" Crystal asked putting her hand on her shoulder. 

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