"So, what's the deal? Are you together?"

"No," I replied, adamant, "not even close."

"But I assume that things have... happened," she drifted over the words, clearly uncomfortable about discussing her brother's intimate affairs.

"They have," I replied, equally awkward, "after a while it developed..."

"Was it because of the tutoring sessions?"

"Partly, I think it was the catalyst that threw us together at the very least."

It was a thought I'd wondered about for a long time, questioning if things would have turned out differently if we hadn't spent so much time around each other.

Logically, I knew it had accelerated the situation between us, but in hindsight it felt as if our crossed paths were inevitable, repelling magnets forced together.

"I should have known," Violetta sighed, tucking her hands into her coat, "looks-wise you're exactly his type."

"Perhaps not so much in personality," I added, not mentioning the additional issue he had with my lack of background and status.

"What do you mean?"

"Just that we're both too stubborn for our own good."

"You challenge him then?"

"Yes, even when he resents me for it."

"Well, he may not think so, but he needs someone who won't fall at his feet with every whim," she smiled.

"So, you're not angry?"

She laughed lightly, her breath swirling through the air before it disappeared, "there's not really any point, I'm in no position to talk with the Tom situation and all."

I returned her soft grin, a sense of relief washing through me at the realisation that I wouldn't be hexed into oblivion by the headstrong witch.

"I guess not."

"Besides, I should probably be grateful, it'll save me having to spend time around Parkinson if you guys end up together."

"She's not so bad," I said softly, thinking of my new fondness for the girl.

Violetta stared at me, her expression bemused and curious, "it appears that I've missed a lot."

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"Strange," she smiled, looking out over the view surrounding our forms.

We were quiet for a while, each of us contemplating the situation to ourselves, the aired truth sinking in.

Eventually, I spoke again, my tone more serious than before.

"I am sorry though, for not telling you."

"That's okay, it would be hypocritical of me to hold it against you."

"Do you think you'll tell him soon, about Tom?"

She sighed, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"I don't know, Tom wants to, but I know once we do we won't be able to take it back."

"Are you worried that he'll try to force you to stop seeing him?"

"Pretty much, he doesn't seem to take things well if they're not what he wants to hear."

"That is very true," I muttered, thinking about how many arguments that particular trait had caused us.

"I don't know how you do it."

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