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Start from the beginning

"And into the forests we go to lose our minds and find our souls!"

Bernadette was born with utter and complete Wanderlust.
All she's ever wanted to do was run about the world, looking into every crook and cranny, every puddle and hole the world has to offer her. If she sees a new thing, she's running straight over towards it! She's testing it out, she's looking at it from all its different angles. She's willing to do whatever it takes to try out different experiences. She doesn't want to be confined to one boring life forever, she wants to do things! She wants to see more than just Paris and France.
She's a bit of a daredevil, she wants to live a life of excitement and discovery, and how can a person do that when they are bound to a house of strict rules and expectations?
She pushes the boundaries a little more each day.
Spending a few extra minutes outside after curfew, getting more confident with slipping out her window each day and night, and getting more convincing with her list of excuses.
She's curious, she can't help it! She's eager to know all that she can and she all her two eyes will allow her top. Either about the mundane and normal or the strange and unusual.
The unfamiliar is just so alluring to her.
Besides have you seen the outside? All the flowers, rivers and forests! She's basically a nymph at this point.

Just like her namesake Birdie is wild and free! She can't be tamed!
She'll soar through life wearing her rose tinted glasses, always wide eyed at whatever she stumbles across. Birdie isn't one for rational thinking, she's a bit careless even when she doesn't mean to be. She looks for excitement! And when nature calls, she isn't going to be checking every rule and warning there is in the book. She's already out the door! Climbing up a tree or abseiling down that big rock the village kids warned her about. She likes to get her blood pumping! She likes to feel a rush of adrenaline flow through her veins!
She is well aware that all these risky stunts aren't ones expected from a young lady like herself, but that's what makes it even more fun! Though she is sick of the constant sexism, she loves the rebellious nature of her actions as she constantly defines herself.
She shall never be tied down!
Birdie almost always has scratches or bruises on her knees and arms from wild tricks she tries to pull off, though time after time she continues to do them! She doesn't get scared easily, she welcomes the risk! To conquer your fears, you must stare them in the eye!

Bernadette is honestly a true sweetheart at times. While she is certainly loud and out there. She does manage to cam herself down, especially if someone is in trouble or needs advice. She hates seeing people upset, and more times than not- it makes her upset.
She's able to connect with others. Whenever she sees someone in pain or if anyone just needed a simple helping hand, she would gladly throw herself at them. She's always making life of the helpers a little more easier. She's more than capable of tidying after herself anyway.
She's caring and loving, some might disagree if they've ever been at the hands of her attitude, but you know you mean the world to her when she's willing to throw everything away just to care for you. Say the word and she'll be there as your loyal companion. She's patient with people, allowing them time to heal, and she'll be with them with every step of the way.
She sees no problem with showing her soft side! It doesn't make her weak! In fact, it makes her even stronger!

Birdie can be as stubborn as a mule at times! While she does tend to slip on a mask in front of her parents, that mask has slowly started to crack, her true self shining through! And her true self is a much more fierce and sassy girl than she lets on. For the pen is mightier than the sword! And she can use her words like a weapon, she speaks her mind and she doesn't let anybody else do it for her.
She hates being told to be quiet or being expected to act like a nice hollow porcelain doll. She's bold! Cheeky! And full of spirit! Ain't no one going to be able to extinguish the flame that burns within!
Bee won't change herself for anybody, if she sees a problem she's quick to voice it. She used to only tell her siblings, but she's becoming more open to the idea of letting her parents know what exactly is on her mind. She's headstrong and independent.
She's quite the determined sprite, she hates the mere idea of giving up and is always bouncing around thinking of anything humanly possibly to work to her advantage. She can't let anything get in her way! She is more than capable of succeeding.
It's no shock to learn that Birdie is rebellious, always challenging the status quo of the modern woman and defying the rules set up by her parents. The only person that can order her around is herself! This is her life to live! And my what an attitude she can have, it's actually quite shocking given her soft features but she can change as quick as the tides if tempted.

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