From recruit to family

Start from the beginning

Tanner: Pssh, would you look at that. Well, Jessica, think it's time for you to head to-

*Jessica clings on Tanner, and by her pushes, urges him to dance... Tanner does not know how to dance, so he just followed what everyone was doing in the dance floor. He ironically does it right, and this is an adorable sight. Everyone's hearts melted when they saw this, Tommy gives an admirable thumbs up to Tanner. This was happening for approximately thirty seconds until Raul went and stopped the band politely. He then disperses the crowd, leaving only Tanner and Jessica on the dance floor.*

Raul: Jessica! Do you know why we held this party for you?


Raul: To celebrate and appreciate your fifth month anniversary of working with us!

*Everyone clapped vigorously, and whooped.*

Jessica: Thanks, Raul, but... I don't deserve this.

Raul: I know. There is also another reason why we're celebrating, we're giving you your first mission on the ground!

*They all whooped once more, and Tanner pats Jessica's back, careful not to rub it and get her distracted. Jessica's eyes widen, and her mouth hangs open.*

Jessica: My first mission?!

Raul: Your first mission, Tanner, Tommy, and Jesse will be accompanying you to scout out a place near to where we are parked.

Jessica: Wait, accompanying me?

Raul: You are the squad leader for this day.

*They applauded Jessica once more, again.*

Jessica: *Gasp* Really, sir?!

Raul: Yes. This place, though, it looks and feels very strange. They have those weather deterrents, but unlike what we have, they're yellow and almost as if it can disintegrate projectiles. It looks like a suburban neighbourhood, an oddly large suburban neighbourhood. High walls and such, possibly electric, and they're doing well for themselves. But this is something that we need to know about. We will be dropping you, and your squad next two days after. You will head north, until you see high looking walls, and find a way to get in. We don't know if this group could be a liability or an asset, and their technology seems promising. Do you accept this mission?

Jessica: Yes, sir!

*They applauded Jessica for accepting.*

Tanner: Our lives are in your hands now, Jessica, but I know you can do it. I believe in you.

Raul: For now, Jessica, enjoy the party we made for you.

Jessica: Thank you! All of you for believing in me! I will not let you down!

Raul: I hope so...

[The next two days after Jessica's celebration and appreciation/first mission party, the squad that was mentioned above was sent to report to "Full Frontal" Max, to get their gear. Jesse wears his signature cowboy gear, Tommy wears a zipped up sturdy pilot jacket, a tank commander hat that they found in a base in Higashi, and a pair of tactical jeans with built-on protectors, while Tanner wears something that makes him look like he's there for medical assistance. He wears a khaki denim long sleeve, with a red cross armband on his left shoulder, he carries a pouch full of medicine, including Prime Tech Stimpacks, and of course, his legs is protected with pads, and his chest with a Kevlar vest, while Jessica wears an urban camouflaged combat uniform. Complete with the vest, holsters, sheathes, and a dirtied up patch from the Former Star spangled banner. Jesse is armed with the following: A chrome lever-action rifle, a single action six shooter, and a browning-5 shotgun, while Tommy is armed with: a crowbar, a spas-12 that can shoot two slugs with custom attachments, and a 9mm pistol. Tanner is armed with: An M16A4, an Uzi sub machine gun, and a short revolver. While Jessica has: An HK416, and a kukri machete for close range. Courtesy of Prime Tech's institute of conventional weapons. "Full Frontal" Max bids them good luck, and they all head off to the elevator shaft that will take them down to the ground. A crowd was cheering them as they go, briefly distracting Jessica, oh, wait, making her anxious is what I meant. The thought that their lives are in her shaking hands, and that many people look up to her for a successful mission, really takes a toll on her emotions. Tanner gives her a reassuring pat, and although she did calm down, it did not exactly help her generally. They went down the shaft, down the long stairs, and finally into the ground. They landed on a ruined road, surrounded by distant fields of dead grass, and mountains with dead rocks. Jessica felt weird stepping down to the road, she never seen the rooted ground before.]

Tanner: Okay, Raul said to head north. Jessica, who'll take the lead?

Jessica: Uhhm. *Eyes them individually.* Jesse! Uh, you go front, and use your shotgun. Uh, Tommy, cover his back. Tanner, you and I will cover rear.

Jesse: Just hope I get back with a fully intact brain.

Tommy: I'm sure they won't scoop it.

[They head towards north, leaving the landship as it slowly gets covered by the trees and fields. They walked through like fifty kilometres, on foot, often stopping to rest their feet, digging a hole and "went", and of course, food breaks. Jessica was being a decent leader, but still, she was nervous for what encounters they may...encounter. After walking for another ten kilometres, they stumble across a ruined and abandoned city. Blocks were in complete disarray, the tall office buildings were fucking wasted into the ground. Restaurants were somehow intact, but dirty. I would not eat the food. Apartments were missing their chunks in their foundations, hell, some of them are even collapsing. There were signs of people who once live here though, like a teddy doll, a dead cat...multiple dead cats which greatly upsets Jessica, skeletal bodies. There's even one in what seems to be a bar, of two skeletons holding each other's hands. They must've died painlessly and quickly, until the catastrophe hits, accepting their fate. Cars were overturned, vehicles were charred due to the frequent thunderstorms. Disturbingly, in one car Jesse was curious at, there was an unlocked baby seat with a pool of blood. If he still has a working gut, he would throw up. Luckily, Tommy does it for him.]

Tanner: I'm starting to get sick myself.

Jessica: I've never been in a ruined rooted city...this is...upsetting for me...

Jesse: These people, thought they can still be safe. Think I found the family.

*There were four skeletons lying with each other. The smaller skeleton was carrying an even smaller skeleton, Jesse wonders how there was blood on the baby seat, then he sees a hole on the baby skeleton's ribs. Guess they left in such a hurry, the older sibling accidentally broke a rib, and punctured a hole. Jessica orders them, after finally witnessing so many horrors, to just keep walking and ignore everything.*

[They continue trekking through the ruined city, looking for what caught Raul's eye. Suddenly, while examining a bandaged looking teddy bear, Tommy heard some noises coming to his left. His squad was in the middle of discussing what to do, so this gives him a few free time. He unholsters his gun, and slowly approaches the noise. There was a power plant on the block down where he was looking. Suddenly, the doors suddenly open, there were still people here! Tommy hid behind a ruined SUV, and studied what he saw. A masked hooded man, with a lab coat underneath exit first, accompanied by what seems to be his companion, a rabbit girl. Eventually, five more heavily armed men exit the power plant, and it seems the hooded figure was addressing his guards. His assistant right beside him. Tommy goes closer, in within earshot, and eavesdrop.]

Hooded man: I'm not sure what that blonde lady thinks we are, engineers? Men, let's leave, and prolly find some other company to get sponsored by. Heard Prime Tech is still alive, not sure where it is, but there's a trader selling shit that we could use to prolong rooted cities.

Bunny girl: But... Rhodes island doesn't have rooted cities.

Hooded man: Doesn't?

Bunny girl: Okay, doctor, there is, but what are we gonna do with this...stuff you're planning on?

Doctor: Let's just buy that crap from the trader, maybe shake him down if he doesn't, and see what we can do with it. Guards, let's move out, and Ayumi, call Jenkins (Once a slang for "Hard working male worker", to a helicopter pilot), and order him for a quick pickup.

Ayumi (Amiya): Yes, doctor!... And it's Amiya, by the way!

Doctor: Whatever...

*The doctor and his squad then walks down the block heading east, Jesse disrupts Tommy, and scolds him.*

Jesse: Are you a fucking moron, Tommy? Get back there!

Tommy: Jesse, I saw some more people.

Jesse: This again? Look, we already know how they will act.

Tommy: They were scientists though. This one, they look armed.

Jesse: Yeah, well I don't want my brain missing a few parts. Also, tell us when you're planning to head off on your own? Almost gave Jessica a heart attack, and she's at least one cat year old. Come on.

Tommy: Yes, Jesse.

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