69 - sometimes loveable

Start from the beginning

liked by lunalovesgood, malfoy and 3,001 others
nott.theo finally home.

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[ tagged : lunalovesgood ]

blaisinghot whipped
pparkinson okay so you come for me when i comment first but YOU COMMENT FIRST ON THEOS POST
pparkinson wheres the equality 😔😔✋
blaisinghot STOP COMING FOR ME
pparkinson dropping you for ginny again bye bitch
blaisinghot WHAT

nott.theo why is blansy fighting in my comments section
pparkinson BECAUSE WE CAN
nott.theo i need new friends
malfoy oi dont take my bio from me twat
nott.theo this??? isnt??? even?? your?? bio???
malfoy its still the rough idea of it
nott.theo literally sod off
malfoy stop copying me then
blaisinghot smh thaco yall too noisy
nott.theo SAYS YOU????
pparkinson no i agree with him 😔✋
nott.theo no IM the one who needs new friends
malfoy PISS OFF

lunalovesgood whyd you post this one :<
nott.theo youre cute
lunalovesgood :o
lunalovesgood but...i liked the one with you in it :<
nott.theo oH??
pparkinson my shy parents 🥺👉👈
lunalovesgood 🥺🥺🥺
nott.theo again, NOT ADOPTING YOU
nott.theo FUCK OFF TO HELL
nott.theo oh true but STILL


"I'm scared," Harry Potter said, subconsciously playing with a loose thread on his jacket as he stared at his two best friends who sat across from him. "I mean, she just graduated! What if-"

"You'll be fine." Hermione gave him a pat on the back, reassuring him that it'll all end well. Harry sighed, running his hands through his hair as Ron and Hermione shared a glance, both of them not knowing what to say to calm down the boy who lived.

Just then, they heard a 'pop' sound, followed by footsteps and the ever distinct voices of their friends with Pansy and Daphne hitting Draco on the back of his head for not apparating them properly while Blaise teased Theo for immediately catching Luna before she could even stand upright.


"Did you really think we wouldn't know what you were planning Potter?" Draco asked, calmly sitting next to Hermione and (not so) subtlety putting his arm around her shoulder to which she responded with a glare (although she truly didn't mind it at all). "You may be a legend in the wizarding world but Potter, you're horrible at hiding your plans."

The others nodded as Harry took a look around the room at the familiar faces of his friends who had each found a comfortable place to sit in his living room of the muggle flat he had invested in for his future — a future that he so desperately wished he would not have to spend alone.

"Don't chicken out!" Blaise said, receiving a flick on the forehead from Pansy who was idly resting her head on his shoulder. Blaise pouted as Ron stifled a laugh. "What's so funny?"

Ron made a gesture, pointing to every single person in the room and then to himself. "This. This is all still so surreal to me. It's so...wow, I can't believe it still," Ron said, staring down at his fingers that were loosely locked together with that of Daphne's, the blonde girl smiling to herself at Ron's amazement.

"Why so emotional Weasley?" Theo asked but everyone knew that he too could no longer imagine a world in which the witch next to him wasn't the one that filled his every moment, be it when he was awake or when he was fast asleep. Instinctively, his grip on her hand tightened as he recalled all that they had been through from Millicent Bulstrode to Astoria Greengrass and her gang of friends. "Look, now the atmosphere is so emotional!"

True enough, everyone had stopped talking, each absorbed with their own thoughts about the journey that had taken to get to where they needed to be and, in most of their cases, to get to who they needed to be.

And so, when they heard light knocking on the door, they knew that a chapter of their life was coming to a close, not just for the boy who lived who was now nervously holding a small box in his hands but for every single one of them who had gone through hell and back together.

But, with every closing of a chapter, a new one opens and so, with a bright smile on his face as his friends hid out of sight, he opened the door to come face to face with the girl he knew he would never stop loving no matter how much time passes.

And, as he got on one knee, tears immediately sprung into Ginny Weasley's eyes as she instantly answered —

"I do."


after idk how many years, instagram is coming to an end soon (THIS ISNT THE ENDING CHAPTER YET)

if youre still here, i thank you endlessly and i hope youll still be here when i publish the last few chapters!

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