Chapter 7

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Bash uses hus sunglasses

Hanna:wowo where is that

Bash:mom i am bash

Hanna:i know i make a funny always bash listen is time that you the leader are

Bash:mom..i have no time

Kaboom hear his his brother his mom talk

Hanna:i want nohting yiu forec but you have to bash

Bash:and i say no

Bash leave that home

Kaboom:oh man..bye mom i love you

Hanna:i love you too son

Bash and kaboom go to his friends

Smack:hi bash kaboom i like you oufits

Pow look kaboom and bash and pow is red and as bash cool is

Pow:oh my gosh

Slamm oh:oo is something crush 😏

Pow:ähm so bash is so hot and cool as i him meet have war we friends but i  have feeling for him

Bash:slamm oh hi and hola pow 😎

Pow is always red

Slamm oh:yo bash and yo kaboom what up


Kaboom:same pow are you okey

Pow:yes...h.....hi b...bash

Bash:me like your look too you all

All:yeah YHYUHU

Bash:stella sofia good job


Kaboom:are you okey you both

Stella:yes we have break make

Kaboom:aww that war so long :(

Stella:that war 1 week

Kaboom:what :0


Bash:i sorry that you make

Soifa:ahh it's okey

Vanessa:hi pow and hi Slamm oh hi kaboom and hi bash

Kaboom:hi vanessa 1 ask why can you animas talk i have dee you had golitah talk


Pow:vanessa unsterand good with the animas


Slamm oh:yeah

Bash:okey guys are you ready


Rosie:let go

Bash tell that plan but hanna had hear


All look hanna

Hanna:bash kaboom come with

Bash:grrr fine

Hanna:his you rellay trolls party go

Bash:YES mom yes me found that shit bored book to read and i as leader and...


Bash:why my father us leave had

Hanna:i want that you room go GO



Kaboom:ähm night bash


Helena:what happend

Hanna tell his sister and helena war shocked

As the sleep and bash want run but he can't nothing his little brother alone leave

Bash want kaboom wake up

Bash whipers:kaboom kaboom wake up

Kaboom:what...bash what happend

Bash:come with


Bash:we run away

Kaboom:are you crazy


Kaboom look his only brother

Kaboom:fine and my leg is sleep

Bash:np worried i carry you


Bash as he kaboom carry and rode bash pets Mammut elephant

Bash:let go goliath

Bash:guys we run away and we go nohting back what say you

Pow:good we come with


Bash:we his now party crashers

All:yeah YHYUHU

Bash and his friends leave that home and the run as hanna wake up

Hanna:son i have to you...bash bash...kaboom...kaboom KABOOM BASH

Helena:what happend

Hanna:my sons his run

Helena:what we have to the found

Hanna:good let go

Hanna tell the lizard and as bahs and his friends the party broken

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