The only logical explanation for Irina's disappearance was; the shadow manipulator.

Edward took a step forward, Jane emitting her torture gift, this made him drop to his knees, but in a couple of minutes he was standing up. Jane's eyes moved around the entirety of the Cullens and their witnesses but when none of them dropped, the young vampire took a step forward, however, Alec stopped her in time.

Carlisle spoke up, "See, there have been no laws broken." Aro then spoke up after him, starting his long speech about how they would one day pose a threat and every vampire could avoid a war one day only to die the next.

Every member in the Volturi, besides Marcus and (Y/n), looked ready for a battle, steadying themselves as they awaited for their master's orders. Before anything could start, a small woman walked through the snow, Aro recognizing her as Alice, one of the Cullens that he died to obtain in his journey of complete control.

(Y/n) couldn't care much about what was going on, focusing half of her attention on her mate and the other half on keeping Irina's scent masked. Her eyes brought themselves away from Tanya as she noticed two figures making their way towards Aro, stopping right in front of him and besides Alice.

The male of the two had announced that he was half human and half vampire, being a hundred fifty years old, sustaining himself on blood or human food. Further more proving the fact that the offspring of Bella and Edward would cause no harm.

After a small argument between Caius, Aro had announced that there would be no fight and that none was to get killed. The blonde king turning around and started walking away, the other members of the coven followed suit, but the only ones that stayed were (Y/n), Aro and Marcus.

Aro looked confused as he noticed the viking stood still in one place, the Cullens and their witnesses watched with curiosity when they noticed the stagnant figures.

Marcus knew immediately what was going on, his gaze landing on an oddly familiar blonde across the field then turned back to the shadow manipulator. "Why haven't you left?" Aro asked, eyes narrowing, "We will not fight them." Marcus chuckled, making the old vampire look at him.

"She has unfinished business here." Aro then remembered who was on the other side, a glint appearing in his eyes. "Say your goodbyes quickl-" Marcus interrupted, taking charge this time, seeing how unfair the man could be. Marcus didn't want this already weak bond to be broken, he was filled with sadness when his mate was killed and he wished that no one were to go without their mate.

"No, let her stay for as long as she wishes. She will come back to us eventually." Aro sent the man barrowedneyes but complied anyways, (Y/n) gave Marcus a questioning gaze but then switched to thankful.

Aro left first, turning around to glare at the other coven and the witnesses before dashing off. Marcus placed his hand on the shoulder of the viking, "I will keep in contact. Go."

"Thank you, Marcus." The man just smiled before speeding off, happy that he was allowed to make the pagan have some sense of relief within the Volturi, seeing as she had been with them for centuries.

(Y/n) stood all alone, if she had a heartbeat, she knew it would be racing erratically. Her steps towards the group were slow and steady, Edward had already read the minds of each person bear him, catching on quickly that this was Tanya's mate but made no move to tell anyone.

Each vampire went on guard, not aware of why only one of the Volturi's guards had stayed back. Their guard lowered slightly when the woman called out, "Tanya..." The said woman scowled, slowly walking forward as well, Kate left Garrett's embrace and followed her sister but stopped when Tanya held out a hand.

"You don't get to say my name! Not since you left." The curly haired woman spoke with malice in her voice, the viking flinching at her tone but guiltily accepted it. She knew that Tanya had a right to be upset, mad and if she wanted, to hate her.

"I- I didn't-" Tanya glared at her again, "You what? You know what, I don't want to hear it. Where's Irina?" At her question, the members of Cullen family and the witnesses looked on with even more confusion, was the Volturi guard in front of them responsible for Irina's escape? The answer; yes.

(Y/n) sighed dejectedly, her veins filled with hurt as she knew Tanya wouldn't accept her anymore. So, she used all of her concentration, she had shadows masking Irina's scent but she also had them follow the Volturi when they left so she could know if they were far enough to release the scent.

The viking had silently told Irina that she would be carried back and in no time Irina had appeared next to the tall vampire. Her arms wrapped around the guard and a tight grip was given to her. Everyone else looked on with surprise and shock, especially Kate. Tanya was relieved as she saw Irina again, hugging her sister as soon as she let go of (Y/n).

Kate came speeding in, hugging Irina just as Tanya did, the three Denali sisters had reunited with each other, being saved from a death that could've torn them once more. Irina had a thankful look on her face when she turned back to the red eyed woman, Kate and Tanya held smiliar scowls.

"Saving my sister doesn't mean I forgive you." The viking had nothing to say and nodded her head solemnly, accepting defeat in that moment. "Tanya, she had been in much pain as you have been..." Tanya's scowl turned to Irina quickly as her eyes hardened even more, the glare piercing her sister, then switched it back over towards her mate.

"It took you so long..." Her voice started rough before trailing off, "I never wanted to hurt you, not after what happened to your mother..." The viking started to defend herself before she was cut off.

"It doesn't mean you should've left!" Tanya shouted, pushing the woman after, causing (Y/n) to stumble back but able to keep her posture. The others kept their eyes trained on the two, watching as the Volturi guard was getting pushed around easily by Tanya.

"I did it to protect you..." This sentence made the blonde even more angry, "Did it to protect me?! You left me for centuries! If you wanted to leave me and my coven, then you should've just said instead of leading me on and leaving abruptly." This made (Y/n) angry, she had never yelled at Tanya when they were together before, and she never planned to, but the anger that rose out of her veins was a pure contradiction to that now.

"They threatened you, Tanya! I made myself go with them, so you wouldn't get hurt, so Irina didn't get hurt, so Kate didn't get hurt. They wanted me. Aro told me that if I didn't come with him, he would continue to chase me, he would continue to find me in order to take me, he told me he would hurt you. I couldn't let that happen." Tanya looked baffled at the words that left the viking's mouth, her then glanced over at her sisters who shared the same expression.

"I tried to save Sasha... I failed because I didn't train with my gift. I didn't want the same happening to Irina. I told myself I couldn't fail." The red eyed woman hung her head down, the one thing catching her off guard was the familiar arms of Tanya wrapping around her shoulders. "I'm so sorry, so, so, sorry." The tall vampire mumbled over and over again, keeping her head buried in the crook of Tanya's neck.


aw, so freaking cute. anyways, I'm really enjoying this book and I hope yall are too. and I hope yall are having a good day or have had one. :)

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