Chapter 23

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The next morning, Miraak felt something was odd. Ammra was usually talkative but he hadn't heard a single voice. She did not step out of her room. 

"My thane told me to keep you in the city as she left," Lydia told him. He turned to her instantly.

"Where did she go?" Miraak quite upset Ammra leaving him.

"I found a note on the bed saying she would hunt some mages," Lydia answered. Miraak instantly thought of Mephala. "And she strongly told me to forbid you leaving to find her,"

He smirked. "Are you going to stop me now?"

Lydia who knew what was going on between them just shook her head. "Get her to safety. She could be unpredictable sometimes."

"Any clue where she went?"  

She shook her head again. "Let's go get her back."

"No. You will slow me down. Just stay here." he told her and left the house.

Even if he was being a jerk, he agreed with Lydia. Ammra's way of thinking could be too unpredictable. He stormed out of the city's gate while thinking about how to find her. 

His feet made their way toward nowhere because his mind was thinking of any possible place she went. It was almost impossible to locate her. "How troublesome!" he was about to burst into frustration when he noticed some suspicious people who have been eyeing him. He paced slowly while trying to hear what they were talking about.

"It's him. She was always with him."

"If we take him as bait, she will leave the town to find us."

"Mephala showed us the way."

Miraak turned in the corner and walked toward Thundra Homestead. If he wanted to get information from them, they need to be tortured without any town guard seeing. As soon as he arrived in the open field, he stopped at track. The patrolling guard was not there.

Had those poor mages known they were trying to abduct the very and first Dragonborn, they would have quitted their plan. Miraak immobilized them by his shock spell before they could do anything. After leaving in Apocrypha as well as controlling people to build him a temple, interrogation with torture became his art, thus Miraak could easily extract information regarding their hideouts.

After he got all he needed to know, Miraak left them paralyzed, not caring if any beast would eat them alive. He focused on the next thing he must do: finding a dragon to mount.

Luckily perhaps, being Dovahkiin could also be a magnet to the dragon in a good and bad way. As for now, he gladly accepted the fact that his presence attracted the dragon as he walked to its hiding place. With a single Bend Will thu'um, Miraak set off to the first location that Ammra visited.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately saw the trace she left: clean kill. Miraak studied the horse trail was fresh, meaning she was not far. Ammra headed northeast and probably to their main headquarter. "She must be mad!" he grumbled and mounted the dragon.

Any form possibilities of how Ammra would be captured and abused by the Mephala and its cults sent a chill sensation to his spine. He knew how cruel and horrifying it was to be used by Daedric prince because he experienced it himself. And he did not want Ammra to suffer the same fate. "She knew the crystal could weaken her, yet she stubbornly attacked! How insane she could be!" He grumbled again.

Sane or not, Ammra had made her way inside the hugecave. Had it not near the full moon, her adrenalin might keep her at home. But after all that happened, the rush of thebeast's blood affected her judgment. She knew she might die but she just did notcare for death was something she came to desire at that moment. 

[SKYRIM]: The Name of Time - Miraak & Female Dragonborn FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now