Chapter Eight

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Yuto and I stood there in shock. "What just happened?!" I exclaimed.

"He...he got...taken in for questioning. He's a suspect."

"But why?!" I asked.

"I don't know," Yuto said. "I thought Wooseok was arrested."

I was extremely confused and scared. Yuto and I both knew that Kino had done nothing wrong, but he was the one arrested!

"How do we prove he was with us those times?" I asked Yuto, grabbing my coat.

"I'm not sure. We don't really have proof of an alibi."

"But if all three of us went and told them, would it be credible enough?!" I asked, three meaning Jinho included.

"Maybe," Yuto said. He was still shaken up from the near arrest.

"What evidence do they even have?!" I exclaimed, tearing up.

"I don't know!" Yuto shouted. "I know just as much as you do!" I hugged Yuto tightly and cried. The other diners were looking at us with wide eyes, whispering to each other.

"Yuto, we have to follow them," I said. "We have to tell them Kino is innocent."

He looked at me, nodding. "Let's go. I'll drive."

I got in the passenger side of Yuto's truck and he hurried to get in. He started the truck and began our drive to the Police Station.

"OK, let's go over everything," Yuto said, turning right. "Starting at the beginning."

"OK. The first murder happened while Kino and I were on our first date. That girl was strangled by someone in the black gloves and black clothes, just like the next three. The second one happened while Kino and I were at the library. The third one was the one where you, Jinho, and I were with Kino in my dorm. Number four was when we were on the phone with Jinho." Yuto nodded.

"Then the fifth one was when we started suspecting people in the group."

"Yes," I replied. "White gloves, white shirt, the victim was male, different location."

"Number four was also in a different location," Yuto added.

"So how could they suspect Kino?"

"I bet Wooseok gave him up," Yuto said. "Maybe a way to get himself out of trouble wsa to give up Kino, but that's probably not going to work out because there's really no evidence against him except that he knows all of the details."

"He could still be seen as a wingman though," I said. "Maybe someone who helped Wooseok."

"Yeah..." Yuto agreed. "We'll get him out."

It took us about fifteen minutes to reach the Police Station. We walked side by side. Some officers looked up at us. "Excuse me? Who are you?" One asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

"My name is Adachi Yuto, this is Eden Jones, and you just... brought in our friend Kang Hyunggu. We're here to explain to you why he's not guilty."

"He's being questioned right now," the officer said.

"Just let us talk to whoever we need to," I said.

He led us to a back room and closed the door. We sat down in the two chairs and he sat across from us. "You do know this could hurt his case, right?"

"We're aware," Yuto said. "What evidence was he brought in on?"

"We got another tip from someone that he knew a suspicious amount of evidence that hasn't been shared to the public. We just wanted to be safe. We didn't really arrest him, just took him in for questioning."

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