Chapter 25

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(You guys my boyfriend is somewhere without service these next few days and it has been like half an hour and I already miss him)

"Let's see it, Whitney!" My mother called up the stairs. I had stayed up relatively late trying to figure out what I would be wearing. While Jesse and I were definitely good friends, choosing outfits was oddly tedious. In the end, I had selected baggy mom-jeans and a very cropped brown hoodie. Of course, I pulled the hem of the hoodie down as far as possible before heading downstairs to show my mother.  

"How is it?" I asked, stepping into the kitchen and striking a dramatic pose. Over my shoulder was the strap of a purse that Rylie had given me for my previous birthday, which was black with little white dots. Miles had given Jesse his car for the night. 

My mother turned and looked me over. "You seem stressed." She said. 

"Mom, I think I might always be stressed." I said with a laugh, readjusting the bag on my shoulder. 

"This is your first real date, Whit, you have every right to be." She said, words accompanied with a giddy grin. Just then, the two of us looked out the front window to see the black Mazda pull up in front of our house. Out came Jesse with a little bouquet of daffodils. My mother rushed to the door, but I stayed in the kitchen. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, turning to look back at me.

"I can't answer the door, I have to make him wait awhile!" I said, whining. (Like from Clueless.)

"Whitney, get over here or I swear to you, I will chaperone this date." She said in a maternal, barky tone. I scampered over just as soon as the doorbell rang. My mother opened the door, revealing a very flushed Jesse who seemed to be rehearsing his next words.

"These are for you!" He said loudly, thrusting the flowers toward my mother. 

"Thank you." My mother said, narrowly biting back laughter. "Now Jesse, as the parent I'm obligated to tell you a few things."

"Please don't." I said in a tight, painfully awkward voice. Jesse shot me a teasing grin. 

"I'm ready." He said, looking back at my mother. 

"Number one, I want you to treat her as though she is the best thing that has ever happened to you." She said, greenish eyes never leaving Jesse's.

"Mom, please." I practically hissed. 

"Number two, keep her safe." She said. 

"Done." Jesse said nodding like it were an easy task. 

"You can go now." She said, gently pushing me out the door. As Jesse and I headed out, she winked at me and I flashed her a cheesy smile. Jesse opened the passenger's door for me and shut it after I had gotten in. Once we were both in the car and buckled, Jesse placed his hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel and turned to look at me. 

"Excited?" Jesse asked, trying to read my jittery expression.

"Absolutely!" I said, turning to him. "But also nervous. This is definitely my first actual date."

"Don't be nervous," he smiled warmly, "this is gonna be great."

"I agree." I reciprocated the smile and he reached into the space on his door. It was then that I realized he had never really told me exactly where we would be going for our date.

"Don't take this personally." Jesse said as he swiftly placed a baseball cap atop my head and pushed the bill down, blocking my vision from the road and thus disabling me from seeing where we would be going. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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