Chapter 30: Idyll

Start from the beginning

"I've missed this." Niall breathed, and I beamed at him.

I felt complete now, and I could finally smile properly.

"Me too."

"I'm sorry!" We both chorused and Niall grinned at me.

"I've missed your beautiful smile, Oll." He pinched my nose and I giggled.

Sighing, I asked, "Why would we let such a silly thing come between us? I would never cheat on you. Ever." I clarified.

"Maybe I was just jealous of Alex. I guess I didn't realise that you were friends." He admitted and I smiled at him.

"You were jealous?" I raised an eyebrow and he laughed.

"Yes! I was!" He paused to look me up and down. "Cute pyjamas!"

I turned to the mirror mortified, and looked at the girl with her messy blonde hair in two plaits, wearing duck pyjamas.


"I've missed seeing you blush, too."

I slapped him playfully and then looked at him; he was soaked!

"How come you're drenched?" I asked, and he rolled his eyes.

"I couldn't wait for a taxi, so I walked here." He explained, and I felt touched.

Niall had walked here, in the rain, at 4:35am, like a zombie, just to see me in my embarrassing pyjamas?

"That's so sweet!" I exclaimed, a little too loudly.

Rose stirred in her sleep and Niall chuckled, leading me out the door.

"What happened in court today?" He asked, like everything was back to normal between us.

We both knew there were things to discuss, but they could wait.

"He's being locked up for 15 years."

"That's great news."

I leaned against the wall, grinning; but there was still something that didn't quite add up.

"What were you doing at Starbucks yesterday?" I asked, referring to the Sugarscape article I read.

Niall groaned, "You saw that?"

I nodded slowly and frowned.

He placed a hand on my shoulder, "I was talking to Amy about you. Girl advice."

I sighed in relief.


Everything clicked into place, and I suddenly felt awful for jumping to conclusions.

"I'm sorry; please can we put all this behind us, before you leave?" I asked. "Alex is nothing to me but a friend. My heart only has enough room for you." I smiled.

Niall nodded, picking me up and spinning me round.

I laughed as everything became blurry apart from him.

We both fell to the ground, laughing.

Niall looked at me with his blue eyes and my heart fluttered a little.

"I'll be back soon. I'll call you every day."

He kissed my forehead and we both stood up.

"You need to get dry, Niall. I don't want you getting sick." I pouted and he smiled nonetheless.

Oh my, he looked so...perfect.

I was going to miss this; I would miss Niall indefinitely, exclusively...but I had a feeling he'd be sticking around.

He kissed me once more before releasing me.

"Oh, and Olivia?"


"I love you."

I gasped - this would always shock me. "I love you too."

He gave me a triumphant smile, his blue eyes glowing.

I guess I wasn't afraid of anything anymore, especially not love.



The final chapter!

I'm soo grateful for everyone who's taken their time to read, fan, comment or vote.

I'm so pleased that I've now got over 20,000 reads. Please keep voting!!

Thank you for all your support.


I hope you've enjoyed reading my fanfiction and will read some of my other stories *wink*


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