wake up

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i traced and gripped my fingers up his toned, muscular back. i struggled to breathe as my eyes found my way up from his lower region to his rock hard chest, eventually meeting with his eyes. he closed his eyes slightly and smirked, resulting in an intense look that made me want to melt. his red eyes glared, as if they were daring me to look into them.
i cleared my throat.
his deep voice interrupted my words as he raised his finger up to my lips to shush me, parting them slightly when he pressed against them.

"wake up."
i sprung up from bed, breathing heavily. i raised my fingers up to my lips, where he had placed his finger in my dream.
my dream.
it was only a DREAM. i huffed as i threw the covers off, frustrated that none of what happened between us was reality.
i turned to hop out of bed, and as i did, i felt a moistness in my underwear. i gasped, embarrassed although nobody else was there with me. how was i wet...? i hasn't even gotten to the good part with him!
then again, almost anything about him (even the tiniest things like the way his hair stood up or his red eyes or his impressive quirk) could make me feel this way.
i glanced at my alarm clock.
9:45am. that would leave me about....
negative 20 minutes to get to class!!

i rushed around in disbelief, grabbing my bag and brushing my teeth at once. my dorm was a mess. perhaps i should've listened to uraraka when she told me to clean up.

i brushed my h/l hair, secretly wishing i had none, because it was REFUSING to co-operate this morning. as i tugged it into a sloppy, maniac-looking ponytail, i thought about how mad Aizawa Sensei would be with me. lately, i hadn't been doing that great in class, and although i had never been late before, i figured this was enough to really make him mad at me.

i burst out my dorm room. slamming it behind me, not realising that i had slammed part of my shoelace in the door. i tripped, spilling my books and belongings onto two pairs of feet.

i looked up to a sneering, meaner looking version of my face, and next to her, intense red eyes, similar to the ones in my dream.
and who else would they belong to but my bitch twin sister Imiko and-

"y/n, why do you look like someone who just escaped a mental asylum?" Imiko asked me with a "genuine" caring voice and face. no pair of ears could hear the sarcasm in her tone, but any pair of eyes could see the genuine wrath in her squinting e/c eyes.

"don't worry yourself about it Imiko." i grumbled, gathering my stuff on my hands on knees. "what're you guys doing here? we're super late."
Imiko rolled her eyes in an exaggerated fashion,
"um..? no we're not. class doesn't start till-"
"it's past 9:45! you two should hurry to class, and if you can, please cover for me, i'm going to come in a bit later than you two-"
i went to grab my last book and as i did, a large hand covered it. red eyes had kneeled down to help me.
he locked eye contact with me and presented to me what looked like... my alarm clock?
it read 9:08am.
"we're not late, i promise. Imiko said you said it was ok to borrow your alarm clock, and swap hers with yours. remember?"
i stood up abruptly, breaking the eye contact with him and instead focussed my glare onto Imiko, who was avoiding eye contact with me. no. i didn't say it was ok.
he continued,
"although, i don't think hers works if you're this stressed about being late, and looking like..." he gestured to my...

i sighed, once again meeting his red eyes.


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