Chapter Eleven - Kad Ha'rangir

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The Bad Batch were on the verge of completing their mission. They had eliminated three members of Havoc Squad. All that was left was Kaddak. After a silent trek through the jungle, they finally reached Kaddak's coordinates. What they found was a compound with what remained of the Umbaran Tribe. They made no attempt to attack the Bad Batch. 

Tech: Why aren't they attacking us? 

Crosshair: It's simple. They've been ordered to. 

Hunter: Watch yourselves, boys. Don't let your guard down even for a minute. 

As the Bad Batch began making their way through the compound, they reached the center of the compound where they found Kaddak standing before a large funeral pyre. The Bad Batch soon aimed their weapons at Kaddak. Kaddak showed no fear. 

Kaddak: So the slaves have made it to my home. If you're here, then that means Scarecrow and Reaper are dead. They were good soldiers. 

Hunter: It's over, Kaddak. 

Kaddak: Is it, slave? Did you ever stop to question why they really sent you to kill me? It's not because I betrayed the Republic. It's because I'm a threat to their system. It's because that if I live, the slaves will revolt against their masters and take what is ours. 

Hunter: Your time has come, Kaddak. 

Kaddak got up and stood tall against the Bad Batch. His eyes soon fell on Hunter. 

Kaddak: If it must end, then let it end honorably. You have proven yourself as a capable warrior despite your loyalties. Let us fight one on one. Man to man. If you win, no harm shall come to you. 

Hunter: And if I refuse?

Kaddak: Then you and your men shall die here. If I beat you in combat, your men will be allowed to leave if they chose. 

In that moment, Hunter found himself in a difficult situation. He could attack Kaddak and risk the lives of his men or he could face Kaddak on his terms. Ultimately, he decided on the guaranteened safety of his men. 

Hunter: Fine. 

Hunter then armor and blasters and met Kaddak in battle. Armed with only their vibroblades, Hunter and Kaddak dueled before the entire tribe. As they dueled physically, their ideologies dueled as well. 

Kaddak: I've seen horrors...horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that... but you have no right to judge me. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means! 

Hunter: Is that why you went AWOL? Because you wanted to escape the horror?!

Hunter and Kaddak swung their blades at each other. The two proved to be equals in combat. 

Kaddak: Horror. Horror has a face...and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies!

Kaddak soon gained the upper hand and slashed at Hunter's chest, drawing blood. As Kaddak closed in, Hunter was able to block Kaddak's attack and put him on the defense. As the two clashed blades once more, Kaddak maintained his calm composure. 

Kaddak: I was bred to be a slave as were you! The only difference is that I saw through the lies and broke free! I sought to change my destiny! Look around you! These people are warriors! These are the finest people I've ever fought with! They know the true beauty and horror of war! Unlike us, they were forged by it! 

Kaddak soon began to press against Hunter. Kaddak was able to land several cuts on Hunter. During the engagement, Kaddak slashes at Hunter's back, causing him to groan in pain and fall on his back. Kaddak looked to the crowd and saluted them. He then walked over to Hunter and stood over him. 

Kaddak: And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters, these were men...trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love...but they had the strength...the be truly free. 

Kaddak then readied his virbroblade to finish off Hunter. In a split second, Hunter plunged his vibroblade into Kaddak's neck, fatally wounding him. Kaddak stumbled back and dropped to his knees as Hunter got up. As Hunter got up and approached the dying Kaddak, Kaddak takes a moment to reflect on his life. 

Kaddak: I...I see it now. We're....we're all slaves. In all my talks of true freedom, I fell for my instincts. I fell victim to my primordial instincts to kill without feeling...without passion... without judgment...without judgment! Because it's judgment that defeats us.

Kaddak looked to the blackened skies of Umbara. In that moment, the veil of Kad Ha'rangir had been lifted. 

Kaddak: The horror....the horror....

As Kaddak spoke those words, he slumped over and died. Hunter took one last look at Kaddak's body. Not a word was spoken about Kaddak. He simply got up and picked up his weapons and armor. 

Hunter: Let's get the hell out of here....

With their mission completed, the Bad Batch began making their way out of the forest. True to Kaddak's word, the Umbaran Tribesmen made no attempt to attack them. As the Bad Batch left, Hunter took one last look as the tribesmen placed Kaddak's body and lit the pyre. In that moment, Kaddak was dead as was the personal of Kad Ha'rangir.  

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