Chapter 1

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This story is a Christian allegory. I have placed it in 'Spiritual' because there is no 'Christian' category on this site. It is a direct sequel to I Still Believe; I would humbly suggest that you read that before starting this. All Bible verses are taken from the NIV unless otherwise noted. The song I Surrender All, which is sung later in the story and which is title of this story, is a hymn written by Judson W Van DeVenter. I mean no disrespect by using it or any of the other songs I will use in this story. To God be all the Glory.

Chapter 1—A Wolf in the Fold?

Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.—2 Corinthians 11:14-15

I am trusting the Lord to keep you from believing false teachings. God will judge that person, whoever he is, who has been confusing you.—Galatians 5:10

What big lies we have!

We come as spies, disguised as lambs

But if they'd read just an open page

I think they all could spot the wolves far away

What truths Scripture has!

It's sure to warn if someone's bad

So before they understand God's grace

I think I ought to lock you up in a safe

Little Read Bible Book, Apologetix

Commander Shadow the Hedgehog was taking the news rather hard. "More?" he asked, sounding despondent. His friend and mentor, Commander Jack, just sighed and nodded, his countenance grave.

Shadow bowed his head for a second, then turned to the window. "How many this time?"

"At least twenty," Commander Jack replied.

"Twenty." The word sounded bitter in his mouth as the ebony hedgehog repeated it. Twenty of the king's citizens had recanted and had gone to the Forbidden Realm—Lucifer's domain.

Shadow knew for a fact that any who entered the Forbidden Realm would never come back. He had spent enough time in Mephiles' army to know that the dragon would pounce as soon as they were in his clutches, and he would never let go. Twenty more souls doomed for an eternity—and the recantations were happening nearly every day now.

And why? That's what Shadow wished to know. The best they could figure, someone was deceiving the King's Citizens, lying to them somehow to make them recant, but who, and how…that was anybody's guess.

"There's more," Commander Jack continued, sounding even sadder, if that was possible. "Mighty was with them."

If the news before had been a blow to Shadow, this news was as if a lightning bolt had struck him from the sky. The hedgehog commander paled considerably. "W-what?" he gasped. Mighty! But he had been so strong in his faith…it was inconceivable that he would recant.

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