"You know what, brat? You're a sucker. You're too trustful to everyone you met. You need to do something about that in the future, or it would eat you alive. There was never poison in the first place." And with that, Harry turned back to his meal and his book. "Clean the mess, will you?" Daniel glowered at his older brother, growling lowly. Cursing to himself, he attended the mess without magic. He couldn't use magic as he's underage and he's not a wandless user like his brother. Harry slammed his book shut and set it aside. Smirking at his little brother, who was scrubbing the mess, he raised his cup of tea. Daniel, to his credit, just ignored it and not allowed his brother antagonize him any further. 

"I never got to see your result on your second-year exams, did I? What did you get? Did you do well?" Daniel blinked his eyes at this. It's not often Harry took a major interest in Daniel's life. Nonetheless, considering how Harry didn't fancy Daniel shaming the family's pride, it's not a surprise.

"Um...yeah, I did well in exams, more than I thought I would. I can show you my report card if you want."

"Right, go get your report card." It wasn't a question, it was more of a command. Harry had to wait for a while before Daniel came back. When Daniel did return, he was with someone. In his arms was Rosaline Potter in her night gown, the tufts of her raven black hair looking chaotic.

"What is she doing up so early?"

"She woke up and was walking sleepily around the hallway, so I picked her up. Right, Rosy?" The four and a half year old girl yawned innocently in response. Daniel blocked her mouth with his hand. He carefully placed his sister in between him and his older brother. Harry served another, smaller, meal for his sister and the small girl looked at the meal with her charming cute chestnut brown eyes. She budged to the person next to her and looked up. Within a second of spotting Harry, she brightened, the drowsiness no longer wearing her down. She grinned toothily at him.

"Hawwy!" Harry's eyes twitched at the pronunciation of his name. Perceiving the sound of snickers, he nonchalantly whacked Daniel's head.

"Hawwy, where's my present?" she demanded, the grin dropping off her face.

"Later, Rosaline. If you're a good girl, I'll give it to you later." The girl pouted cutely. 

"I don't want troll!" she huffed, folding her arms.

"Fine, no troll."

"Yay!" she cheered, chucking her hands up in the air.

"Finish your food first and be a good girl. Then, we'll see..." qNext, Harry gestured the report card from his other sibling. Daniel handed it to him with shaky hands. Scrutinizing it, Harry's eyebrows vanished by the hairline. He was very much amazed. Most of the subjects were Outstanding, except for Potions, History of Magic and Herbology. The brat had done it this time, it was extremely impressive. 

"W-well?" Daniel's anxious voice jolted him out of his thoughts.

"I must say brat, this is really impressive. Never knew, you'd end up in second place out of your year. Must put quite a shock to everyone," said Harry, voice dripping with genuineness and a bit of awe. All Harry knew about his brother's first year grades were mostly consisted of Acceptable and Exceeds Expectations, and were never Outstanding. Heck, the brat even got a Poor in his first year. Flushing, Daniel sheepishly rubbed the scruff of his neck. 

"Y-yeah, but it could leave with more improvement. Hermione's results are much more impressive in comparison to mine. She got all Outstanding." At his brother's truly sincere looks, Daniel couldn't stop himself from being embarrassed.

"Was she impressed?" Red tinged more on his cheeks. 

"Definitely. She couldn't stop complimenting me in the train and Ron was annoyed by her constant babbles. Though, she was a bit put out with my grades and I think she will take this up into studying more for next year exams so I won't beat her. But mostly, she was impressed and proud of me."

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