"Awww is little number Five going soft" I turn to see Klaus and Luther watching us.

"She saved all of our lives! Anyway there is one more thing I can do"

"I-if you do t-that I'm coming with you." I look at her and cup her face "I can help your old self-"

"-Had always wanted to meet you but I can't risk your life"

I felt bad cutting her off but she didn't need to waste her strength. She spat out some blood but looked at me with a big childish smile. I give her a less obvious smile trying to hide it from my siblings.

"One it wasn't a question and two you look better young"

I blush at her comment as she tries to get up making me catch her. 

"Fine but don't expect this to go good"

She nods grabbing my hand for support well leaning against my chest, God she is beautiful.

"Just don't go soft on me Five. Is Luther coming?"

I nod and turn to Luther who nods.

"Okay here's a short briefing when I meet younger me, Its called Paradox psychosis. There are seven signs, One denial"

"Two: itching"

"Three: extreme thirst and urination"

"Four: Excessive gas"

"Five: Acute paranoia"

"Six: Uncontrolled perspiration"

"And last but not least-"

"Seven: Homicidal rage, Which I'll help him with because I'm the only one that probably won't get killed by the short cutie."

I smirk at her she thinks I'm cute!

"Let's go find younger me"

*Time skip*

"Okay, I'll go talk to him with Luther because he probably doesn't wanna see his younger self."

As I watch Y/n drag Luther over to younger me I feel my emotions for her spark stronger, Did we change something in the timeline?

*Younger Five Povs*

"Hello Five"

I look up to see a H/c girl standing with a well-built guy. The girl had stunning E/c eyes and her lips were a gorgeous rose gold colour.

"How do you know who I am?"

The guy doesn't let the young girl reply instead saying something that truly shocked me.

"Five, It's me, its Luther. I know I should be dead but its really me, Luther."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Luther. You know what this is taking to long so look who we found because I'm going to go soon."

I look at the young girl that's who she is! Wait why is she here with Luther? A boy who looked like eighteen year old me walks out glaring at me, oh god. The girl gets up whispering to the boy who nods but all I heard was 'call, need, luck'

*Time skip and Y/n Pov*

I had rejoined the group when Five walked over to me running his hand through his hair over and over again. I was worried about him and I don't know why.

"Five calm down."

He looks up not replying. I look down to see he had slipped his hand in mine which caused me to smile and squeeze it.

"They are going to kill me."

"Not if I can help it"

I had zoned out of everything when I see both Fives fighting. I don't know what to do so I go running up to them, how stupid of me to forget they have powers. They continue fighting when four people from the commission show up making us all freeze. This was it the time when all of us banded together to fight them but of course, I was wrong again. I run to the closest slicing his arm making him go to punch me well the others took on the rest. It had been about ten minutes when the fighting stopped and the commission agents were down and older- or is it younger- Five was gone.

"See what we can do when we-"



I look to see Five running towards me. How could I have been stupid enough not to check that they were dead! I start to lose balance falling into Fives arms but all I do is smile at him

"No Y/n stay with me. Please I need you. I remember, do you?"

"F-five I remember..."


"Hey, Five you know how you are like super smart and shit"

"No, I will not do your paperwork Y/n"

"Rudeeeee. You are no fun"

"Then why do you love me?"

"I never-"

"Well you are going to have to because I love you"

"Awww shucks Mr Hargreeves now you have me blushing and I love you to grumpy ass"

"I'm going to get us out of here." 

"No, you are not Mr Hargreeves. Take her away! Erase their minds. Any last words?"

"Five, when I say I love you please believe its true. When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry because the day I say that will be the day I die."


"Yeah no I have had enough say goodbye love birds" 

Five screamed for the love of his life he screamed harder than humanly possible but nothing could stop the Handler form taking their love he just hoped one day they would find each other again. The next day he was told his partner died in the field but what the Handler didn't know was Five still remembered Y/n little segments of memories, their first kiss, her laugh, her attitude. He just couldn't put a face to it.

*Present and Fives Pov* 

"I'm so sorry. I should have searched for you."

"F-five its fine. I love you. G-goodbye"

"I love you too."

I hold Y/ns hand squeezing it. I loved her so much, what could I do? I watch as the smile on her face falters and her eyes lose their sparkle, She was gone. Forever.

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now