Chapter Nine- This is all your fault.

Start from the beginning

Callen: "I have packed all your things and put them in your car. I am ending your assignment. Please leave now."

He walks away.

I gather the few things I have in my room, and I leave. I make my way to my house. As soon as I see Aubrey, I lose it. She pulls me to the couch and just holds me. She doesn't question me or anything. I am thankful that she didn't. At some point, she helps me to my bed. This all happened so fast. I knew it was too good to be true.

I cry myself to sleep.

~~Aubrey's point of view~~

It's been a week since Greenlee came home. I have not seen her other than the night she came home. I have been afraid to leave her at home alone. So, I have taken a leave of absence at work. I didn't have to give them an excuse. I have time built up. I have been at the same place since turning eighteen. I have never taken any kind of time off. Just the two days that Callen insisted I take.

The whole town knew about Arianna. They also knew that she had left strict instructions about her funeral. She got everything she wanted. What the entire town didn't know was what was going on in the home. They didn't see the family that they were. How close the three of them were. I was jealous of Arianna; She had my best friend; I didn't complain, though. They shared the bond of loving the same man.

Greenlee didn't only lose Arianna. She lost a man she loved and the little girl she considered her own. I get it; I hate it for her, I really do. It's been seven days. I need her to get up and take a shower. I need her to sit down and pay her bills. I need her to be human again. If I don't force it, she isn't going to do it.

I make my way upstairs; I open her door; she is asleep in the middle of her bed. I got to her window and open the curtains, then sit down on the bed. I sit there and look at her for a bit before I shake her to wake her up.

Aubrey: "Greenlee..."

She stirs.

Aubrey: "Wake up, Greenlee."

She opens her eyes and looks at me.

Aubrey: "I need you to get up and take a shower."

Greenlee: "No."

Aubrey: "Yes."

Greenlee: "No."

Aubrey: "If you don't get up on your own, I will go get a bucket of water. It's been an entire week. I get it, Babes I really do. I need you to rejoin the living. My bank account needs you to pay it back."

She sits up. I knew that would get her up. I don't need the money; I have made it; I won't be able to continue to do it, though. I also know that her contract states if he terminates her agreement, he must continue to pay her until she finds other employment.

Greenlee: "It's been a week?"

Aubrey: "It has. I need you to take a shower. Then we need to sit and go over the bills, and you need to go through your mail. Then you and I are going to have dinner. I am tired of cooking."

Without a word, she gets up and showers. I do not leave her room. I know if I do, she will crawl her ass back in the bed. She did the same thing when Granny died. I will not let her go back into that hole. I will push her to her fullest.

She comes out of the shower and gets dressed. She brushes her hair, but she forgoes makeup. Baby steps.

Greenlee: "Let go fix your bank, then I'll go through the mail."

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