Rose lived for Jack, Jack died for Rose

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"Everything will be fine June" My mom pulled down the car mirror while applying a new layer of lipgloss. I looked out the window at the ugly ass school. "Do I really have to mom?" I hoped that she would give me mercy, but she just looked at me with a you-have-to look in her eyes. I'll pick you up after. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the car. 

I felt really different from the others inside the school. All the other girls looked like they were taken out of a high school musical movie, meanwhile I was standing here with an indie aesthetic. 

I walked into the classroom and went up to the teachers desk. She looked happy and unbothered. "Hey, are you new?" she stood up and smiled at me. I tried being nice. "Yeah, June" My palms were sweaty. I just wanted to sit down. "You can take place in the back, over there" I walked fast through the classroom, ignoring the fact that everyone was looking at me. 

The bell rang. "Welcome back class, I hope you've all had a nice summer..." The teacher kept on talking while I put my airpods in. ".. and we have a new student today, thats June back there" I looked up confused when I heard my name. I awkwardly smiled and looked back down on my phone. I started a playlist and had almost a full volume when somebody slammed the door open. I didn't really care until I saw the most attractive boy I've ever seen in my entire life. I tried not to blush, but it was hard when it felt like I was going to have a heart attack in the back of the classroom. "Your late again" The teacher said without looking at him. He had tattoos over his arms and some up his neck. A skateboard in one hand, brown hair and a sharp jawline. His style was just on point and I sank down in my seat. I didn't want him to see me. He looked around the classroom, like he was hunting for a prey. But he didn't seem to notice me. He started walking towards the back, were I was hiding. But he sat down two seats in front of me. 

I survived the whole day without him noticing me, and I have never walked so fast away from a school before. My mom was there waiting for me with her red car. I jumped in and sank down, sweaty and safe. It wasn't love, It was desire. "How was your day?" my mom asked. "fine" I replied. She started talking a lot, but I didn't pay attention. 

I couldn't sleep that night. I could barely remember his face, but he was still living a little rent free in my mind. 

"Could anyone tell me what the story between Jack and Rose in the Titanic was?" The literature teacher looked around but all the high school musical kids looked as bored as they used to. "I belive everyone knows that story" The boy said. He had a really nice, almost british alike voice. "Well Oliver, then if everybody knows it, perhaps you could tell us about it" The literature teacher sat down at the top of the desk by the whiteboard. the boy or Oliver took a deep breath and signed. "Well It's a tragedy really. Jack and Rose fall in love on the titanic. Rose is first class, Jack is third. Which means they aren't really allowed to be together. But they do fall in love, but then the boat hits an Iceberg and sink. Jack dies meanwhile Rose was saved-" I couldn't belive it but I didn't let him finish his sentence and started talking. "It's actually a lot more to it than that" Everyone looked at me, and I blushed. My heart ran faster and faster and I was almost shaking. "You see, Rose felt trapped and wanted to kill herself. As we see in the beginning of the movie. But Jack saves her, and they invite him to dinner in the first class to thank him. And remember that Rose is young but engaged with Caledon, which is way older then her. But the family needs the money. blah... blah... blah... the ship hits an iceberg. It was a lot that caused the titanic to sink, so let's not get into detail there. But they were in the water 2 hours before one of the lifeboats came back to pick up survivors. They picked up 6 from the water, out of 1,500. Jack died because he gave up a door to Rose" I stopped talking and the teacher looked stunned. As all the other students. Oliver looked at me like I was challenging him. He licked his lips and painted my body with his looks. "But Jack still died. It's just pointless for Rose to live, when she was the one wanting to die" Oliver started me straight into the eyes as he was talking. I felt like the whole inside of my body was sparkling. "Wrong. Rose wanted to die, Jack wanted to die. Rose lived for Jack, Jack died for Rose" I lifted my eyebrows for a hot second to annoy him a little. And It worked. He opened his mouth but ended up closing it again. "Thank you, June" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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