The Rant

170 9 3

Sera POV

"How just how is that possibly the odds of that are one in a billon" I say

"Ya well im just that lucky but this power was a curse maybe on day I will tell you why" he says with mixed emotions in his eyes

"BUT WHY YOU I WORK MY BUT OFF AND YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST COME IN AND HUMILIATE ME LIKE THIS! Just why you call that a curse thats a god tiered ability why would that be a curse?? .

"Yes it is but not the way u would think"

He continues to stop time well im their crying like a baby and I run to the bathroom.

John POV

Holy she had one hell of a break imagine having all that in your head I wonder how she feels because that would hurt having all that.That would kill someone like me i should leave before everyone starts gossiping.As I leave i start to go to my next class then i realise that the girl is not there but the red head is here I wonder who I can trust here I will try my best to make a few friends here.

As the next day comes I was coming out of class and I run into a blond hair person who is supposably the king if I where to guess 6-6.5 in power really good.

"Hey watch where your walking you just ran into the king"

"I'm sorry"

"Holden don't bother" says the supposed king


As I leave I think that I might have to face him at one point

"Hey what's your name"


I shake my head and leave.

As class ends I just go to my dorm and work out I have been making really good progress since my dad helped me in what I like to call my depression phase which sucked but my dad really helped me out I would trust him with my life
(Foreshadowing fear me )

Authors note hey sry if this is short I will try to make the next one longer maybe 800-1200 to compensate 1 more thing as I said am garbage at writing if you could not tell I am trying to get better.Have a good day

379 word count edited slightly

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