Chapter Eight- Devastation

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Greenlee: "How did you get wet?"

Aubrey: "I was in the kitchen the floor fell through. My phone is ruined."

Callen: "I'll replace it."

Neither of us saw him come out. He is now soaking wet too.

Callen: "Aubrey, you're going to have to come to our house with us. You can't stay here. This is going to take time to repair. Do you have homeowners insurance, Greenlee?"

Greenlee: "I do."

Aubrey: "It's all in the car."

Greenlee: "Thanks for acting quickly, Aubrey. How bad is it?"

Callen: "It's pretty bad, Greenlee. There isn't going to be much that can be saved. It's going to have to be gutted and everything replaced."

This is a headache that I can't afford. I have most of the money they have paid me. I haven't spent anything but money on bills. This is going to be costly even with insurance. I try not to show panic in front of Callen; he doesn't need to worry about my issues.

Callen: "I'll be right back."

He walks away.

Aubrey: "That was the scariest shit I have ever been through."

Greenlee: "I bet. I had no clue there was anything wrong."

Aubrey: "I didn't either."

Greenlee: "I should have had it inspected when Granny passed."

Aubrey: "What's done is done, Babes. We can't stress it; we just have to fix it."

Callen heads back to us.

Aubrey: "Holy hell."

Greenlee: "What?"

Aubrey: "I am officially jealous of you."

Even soaking wet at three in the morning, the man is sexy as hell.

Greenlee: "Believe me, I don't even know how it happened."

Callen: "How what happened?"

Greenlee: "Nothing. Everything ok?"

Callen: "Yeah, we have to hang out until a plumber gets here to turn the water off."

Greenlee: "Ok."

An hour later, the water has been stopped. The plumber wouldn't let me pay him. I have no doubts that Callen paid for it. We head back to Callen's house.

Callen: "Aubrey, do you have any time off at work?"

Aubrey: "I can use personal time; why?"

Callen: "I would take the next two days off work. Your room was the worst damaged; you don't have any clothes, and if you look at your feet, you're barefoot. I assume your shoes were in your room."

Aubrey: "They were."

Greenlee: "It will be big on you, but you can wear one of my nightgowns. I will throw your clothes in the wash."

The NannyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon