hawks: oh you guys are staying?
todoroki: yup
bakugo: you think i'd leave a flirt like you alone with her? no
hawks: oh come on, im only ever kidding. plus that would be a case
bakugo: yeah? well, you're unpredictable
hawks: i mean..
hawks: nothing nothing

he laughed

hawks: killing three birds with one stone eh? alright so here's the deal, the agency thinks the murderer is possibly one of the students here at ua. im in charge of finding them and — well, arresting them.
todoroki: yes because that makes a lot of sense

he said in sarcasm, rolling his eyes

y/n: and...nezu agreed to this?
hawks: well.. not entirely
todoroki: so then why are you here
hawks: we have a permit
bakugo: well either way, you can't interrogate or question minors without another adult or guardian present
hawks: haha! that's where she comes in
y/n: she?

the door swung open and in she came, your mouth open, todorokis eyes full of fear, hoping it was a just a nightmare.

aunt may: heeeyyy!
y/n: aunt may!
todoroki: no!
aunt may: hey y/n! I see you still have a big forehead
y/n: I see you still have no ass

you guys laughed and hugged. she looked over at todoroki and he looked terrified

aunt may: shoto!
todoroki: don't call me that!
aunt may: damn you got fine! come here
todoroki: y/n! please!

you slid in between todoroki who was grabbing onto your head board closing his eyes, and your aunt who was already puckered up

y/n: may no!
aunt may: aw come onnn!
y/n: you do realize this would be sexual assault
aunt may: ohhh no it wouldn't!
todoroki: yes! yes it would be!

bakugo was laughing and aunt may turned to him

aunt may: ohhhh? who might you be?

he stopped laughing

bakugo: oh nah I gotta go
aunt may: what's your name?
hawks: what is with you and hitting on students?
aunt may: is it bad that I want a young man?
y/n: predator type shit
aunt may: I just wanna talk
y/n: may, that's my boyfriend
aunt may: b-boy friend?! oh! sorry y/n! never mind I don't want you! todoroki come here!
hawks: may, behave yourself or i'll have to remove you from the school for sexual assault

she sighed and sat in your bean bag

aunt may: i'll get a kiss from you one day
todoroki: I very highly doubt that

he said as he hid behind you

hawks: alright can we get back to the case?
y/n: right...

you sat back down and he pulled out some papers from a folder.

hawks: does this...

he set a paper down on the bed

hawks: look familiar?

you clenched your jaw and forcefully smiled

y/n: aw no way! shoto looks it's our old treehouse!

he played along

todoroki: oh wow, it's so dirty now
y/n: remember when you FARTED AND WE HAD TO EVACUATE-

you wheezed and he started laughing

todoroki: stop!

he covered his face from how red he was and you were shaking him still trying to stop laughing


he wheezed and you fell back on your bed grabbing your stomach. bakugo and hawks were trying not to laugh at you two and aunt may was taking selfie's in the corner. you two finally calmed down and hawks composed himself

y/n: anyways, why is this part of the case?
hawks: well the body was found near the treehouse. there were remains of his skull, flush and some blood trailing back to right under the treehouse covered with leaves
y/n: oh yeah, I remember the cop told me something about that when he came to the house
hawks: which officer? do you remember his name?
y/n: no, I don't
hawks: well it doesn't matter. right now you're our lead

you felt your whole body begin to sink into the guilt

y/n: what?
hawks: and todoroki being our second.

well shit.

PLEASE WHOSE UNCLE JUST HMU 😭 anyways your guys' dms are so funny and sweet I live for them💀

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