Chapter 28

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Kahli leaned against Antoine's desk as she looked over the latest commissions. The winter seemed to be the perfect time to be in the workshop. For one, it was cold outside, and the workshop was always warm, no matter what. It was tedious in the summer months, but now, she treasured it. And it didn't feel so depressing being stuck inside, either, because most of the time, the weather outside was gloomy. The days were much shorter than she was used to, the sun setting late in the afternoon, which she was still learning to adjust to. But inside her workshop, she had learned to find a peace that she hadn't had before when she worked. Much had changed in the last year since her arrival at Portia, and it was a good change.

"What's your boy toy been up to these days?" Antoine asked.

Kahli shrugged. "Same shit he's always up to."

"Wow. Honeymoon phase over already?"

"One would say we're comfortable and happy."

"Well, that candle went out quick."

"Don't be jealous," she said.

"Fine," Antoine muttered. "But only a little.

Kahli smirked at him, but before she could say anything more, the door opened and Mint entered. He smiled when he met Kahli's gaze.

"Just the person I was looking for," he said.

"That usually means someone wants me to do something," she said.

"Maybe," Mint admitted. "There have been multiple mini-quakes in the tunnels since we started drilling. I've halted the excavation for now. The Civil Corps is checking it out, too. But I was hoping for your opinion."

Kahli frowned. "Do you think it's structurally unsound?"

"Might be," he said. "You would be able to tell better than I."

Kahli pressed her lips together. "I can take a look," she offered.

"As soon as you can," Mint said.

"I'll head over in a few minutes."

Mint nodded. "Great. I'll see you there."

"That doesn't sound good," Antoine said after Mint left.

"I'll let Mayor Gale know," Kahli said. "If anyone's looking for me, you know where I'll be."

"Be careful."


After alerting Mayor Gale of what was going on, Kahli quickly returned home, saddled Star, and galloped across Portia and into the Eufaula Desert toward the tunnel. When she arrived, she found Remington standing outside, and she quickly dismounted Star and approached him.

"What's going on?" Kahli asked.

"Hold on," Remington warned, putting a hand out. "Can't let you in. Arlo and Sam are in there checking to see what's causing the earthquakes."

"Mint told me," Kahli said. "He asked me to take a look."

Remington shook his head. "No can do. Arlo's orders. Until they can figure out what's going on, no one goes in."

Kahli's brows furrowed in frustration. She opened her mouth to argue with him, but a quake ripped through suddenly, nearly knocking them off their feet. They turned toward the tunnel just as one of the worker's ran out, shouting.

"That quake just loosened the ceiling! It collapsed!"

"Arlo!" Kahli ran forward, but Remington grabbed her arm, pulling her backwards and preventing her from running into the collapsing tunnel.

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