Chapter 25

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"You know, I'm really starting to wonder if McDonald sold me some weird horse-pig creature, because you're a fucking fatass, Star."

The mare nickered and flicked her ears as she grazed on the fresh hay Kahli tossed to her.

"You're getting fat, fat, fat!" Kahli continued as she picked up in the barn. She turned around to poke at Star's belly. "God, you look pregnant! You're going on a diet and we're getting you back into shape!"

Star snorted and shook her mane, hardly missing a beat as she grazed.

"Don't you wanna look good for Spacer? C'mon, he's so cute. And, you know, his owner is nice to look at, too." She snorted at herself. "Wouldn't we be cute? Me and Arlo and you and Spacer. You could have cute little babies together, right?" She paused, nodding as if Star were speaking to her. Her eyes widened. "Me and Arlo?" She scoffed. "Please, Star. You're getting a little ahead of yourself. Let's see if I can not fuck this up, first."

"And what are you fucking up?"

Kahli nearly jumped out of her boots at Arlo's voice. She turned to see him leaning against the doorway. It was midmorning, and the air was warmer than it had been the last few days. She was warned by many people around Portia not to get her hopes up, as the cold of winter was quickly approaching.

"Oy, what the fuck, man?" Kahli paused to let her racing heart slow, and Arlo apologized.

Kahli sighed and blew her hair out of her face. "Is there something I can help you with, sir? Something I can build for you, perhaps?"

"I was thinking about what you said the other night," Arlo said. "About doing things backwards. So, let me take you on a date."

"That's cheesy." Kahli grinned. "Alright. I'm in. What are we doing?"

"You'll have to wait and see," he said. "I'll pick you up at eight."

"Wow," Kahli said. "This is very official. Alright, then, you may pick me up at eight. Preferably on your gallant steed." She winked at Star.

"That can be arranged."

Kahli laughed. "You don't have to do this," she said. "You already got the girl."

Arlo shrugged. "Well, if you don't appreciate my efforts -"

"No, no," Kahli said quickly. She cleared her throat. "Bad at this, remember? Give me the effort. I want all the effort. Wine and dine me, or whatever you plan to do. I've never been on an official date before."

"I want to feel bad for you."

"You see why I've been single for so long."

Arlo smiled. "I really don't," he said. "But I guess I just got lucky."

Kahli blushed. "Remember that when I fuck everything up."

"You're not gonna drop that, are you?"

Kahli shrugged. "It's a defense mechanism because I'm clearly tragic."

"I don't think you give yourself enough credit." He pulled her to him and gazed into her eyes. "I just hope one day you'll see what I see."

"Save some smooth talking for the date," Kahli muttered, her cheeks red.

Arlo smiled, kissed her, then pulled away. "See you at eight."


Kahli had a bounce in her step for the rest of the day, more excited than she expected to be for her first official date with Arlo. Most of the dates she had been on in the past left her severely disappointed. He talked about his ex the whole time, or he picked at his teeth, or he kept making sexual innuendos. A couple made it a little further, onto second and third dates, and if she didn't find something wrong with them, they clearly found something wrong with her.

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