Sonia rolled her eyes. "Where's Antoine when I need him?"

"He'd say the same thing," Sam pointed out.

"You guys are bitchy tonight," Sonia muttered. "I'm charging you full price."

"We were getting a discount?" Kahli frowned and looked down at her half empty drink, but Sonia said nothing more, leaving them alone at the bar.

Emily finished her drink and slid the empty glass across the counter. She stood and stretched her arms. "Alright, that's it for me."

"You just got here," Sam whined.

"Sorry," she said. "I promised Gran."

"Hey," Kahli called to her as she made her way to the door. "I'm coming over tomorrow for a pie."

Emily smiled. "I'll make sure we have a fresh one for ya." She waved, then stepped out into the night.

Sam turned to Kahli. "C'mon, let's go bother the guys."

"Don't you think I've annoyed them enough lately?"

Sam grinned. "Nah," she said. "They like having you around."

Kahli raised a brow. "They do?" But Sam was already making her way across the restaurant to their booth. Kahli sighed, then followed. She mentally sighed in relief when Sam took the empty seat beside Arlo, and she slid in beside Remington.

"Look who decided to hang out with us," Remington said.

"Did you miss me?" Kahli batted her eyelashes playfully at him.

"Always," Remington said with a grin.

Sam barked out a laugh. "She was just telling me how much you smell."

Remington frowned. "Why you trying to get between us?"

"Sam's just jealous," Kahli said.

"Speaking of getting between you," Arlo said. "You're not letting Albert pick you up, are you?"

"And what if I am?" Kahli asked. "He's just so... charming." She snorted.

"Yeah, what of it?" Sam said to him. "You jealous? Is Albert taking all the ladies away from you?"

"No," Arlo sneered at her.

Sam giggled. "Aw, it's okay, Arlo. Someday your prince will come."

Arlo rolled his eyes and sighed. "I can put you to work tomorrow."

"You can't tell me what to do!"

Arlo blinked at her. "Yes, actually, I can. That's how it works. I'm the boss."

"Never!" Sam quickly chugged her drink. "You'll never take me alive!"

"So dramatic," Remington said.

"I hope you plan on drinking yourself to death," Arlo said. "Because I will make you work with a hangover."

Sam frowned. "Someone needs to get laid," she muttered into her empty glass.

Arlo moved to punch her, but she ducked just in time and giggled.

"How do you deal with this?" Kahli asked Remington.

"I drink," he said simply.

"They're like children."

"I am not a child," Arlo sneered.

"He makes it so easy," Sam giggled.

"I'm going to have to walk her home, aren't I?" Remington said.

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