
"Really, really," Emily nodded. "And I'll even help ya build a coop."

Within the hour, there were a dozen chicks and six ducklings running around Kahli's yard, and she and Emily were staring at a pile of wood, hammers in their hands.

"Have you built a coop before?" Kahli asked.

"Well, no," Emily started. "But, I mean, come on, it's just like, a box, right? How hard can it be? You built a damn bridge, I think you can handle a coop. It's just gotta not fall apart."

"Oh, of course," Kahli rolled her eyes. "I thought we could just leave it as a pile of wood."

"You're lucky I like you," Emily said. "Your snark level is at max today."

Kahli grinned. "Alright," she started. "We should start with the walls. Put a couple boards together like this, right?" She lined a few boards side by side. "And we can hold 'em together with this longer board, like this."

"Obviously," Emily said. "You do a side and I'll do a side."

They set to work, each building a side, and when the sides were completed, they worked on the back piece. They fit the three sides together, then closed it in with a fourth wall with a square doorway. Emily fastened a ramp leading out of the doorway, and Kahli enclosed the coop area, giving the flock an outdoor space. By evening, the coop was complete and Kahli's new flock was pecking happily at their grain.

Emily brushed her hands together as they admired their work.

"Well, whadda ya know," she said. "Maybe I can be a builder, too!"

"You'd probably do better than me," Kahli said.

"Okay, enough of the pity party. You've done a hell of a lot in the three weeks you've been here, so shut up."

"Yes, ma'am."

Emily grinned. "Good. Drinks?"

Kahli followed her into town where a crowd had gathered. It was Sunday night, and she had completely forgotten about the weekly meetings that Mayor Gale held in the plaza. He was just beginning to speak when they joined.

"We are aware of some thefts this week," Gale said. "These actions will not be tolerated in our town! We will investigate this to the end and capture the perpetrator."

"Must be Huss and Tuss again," Martha said with a roll of her eyes.

"Those idiots never give up," Higgins muttered, and the rest of the town broke out into murmurs of complaints.

"We'll get to the bottom of this as soon as possible," Mayor Gale assured them. "Arlo will be spearheading this investigation, so you folks can rest assured!"

"Great," Kahli muttered. "And I don't think my doors lock."

"Good to know," Emily said.

"Jokes on you. I have no possessions. I barely have a pillow."

Emily laughed. "Maybe I should break in and leave you something, then."

"Can it be a million gols?"

"Maybe two."

The crowd dispersed, and to no surprise, most of them headed for the Round Table for the evening. Kahli and Emily joined them, sitting at the bar beside Antoine. Sonia was behind the counter and served them drinks as soon as they sat. Kahli looked around the room quickly.

"Ya boy's not here," Sonia said.

Kahli blushed and drank quickly. "I'm not - no - shut up."

Sonia grinned and left them alone at the bar to tend to the other patrons.

"But Dr. Xu is," Antoine said dreamily. He turned in his seat and drank, looking over his glass to where the town doctor sat.

"Stop being a creeper," Emily said.

Antoine shrugged. "So I appreciate good looking men. Kahli and I both do."

"Oh, so now you're on the Arlo train, too?" Emily moaned.

"There's no train," Kahli muttered, but no one was listening.

"I know a good looking guy when I see one," Antoine said with a shrug. "But the brave, rugged, adventurous thing isn't my type. He's all Kahli's."

"Guess I'm getting shitfaced again," Kahli said to her drink.

"In my defense," Emily started, "I didn't bring it up. I was trying to give Antoine shit."

Antoine offered Kahli an apologetic smile. "So, what fun projects they've got you working on?" Antoint said.

"Uh." Kahli hesitated. "I built a chicken coop."

"Yup," Emily confirmed. "All by herself."

"I heard you were able to help Dawa and Aadit a few times."

Kahli nodded. "Yup."

"Well, you're exciting," Antoine muttered.

Kahli sighed and swirled the liquid in her glass. "Aren't I?" She blew her bangs out of her face. "I should have run off to be some adventurer or something, too."

"Apparently it runs in the family," Emily said.

"Why would you want to do that when you can be here drinking with us? An added bonus is that it's much safer than the rest of the world. Some people like not dying."

"Or they live for the thrill of the risk," Emily said. She put her chin in her palm and sighed. "Seeing all kinds of crazy new things. Never knowing what the next day will be like."

Kahli and Antoine blinked at her and she met their gaze.


Kahli grinned and sipped from her drink. "Daydreaming of being an adventurer?"

"That's new," Antoine muttered.

"Eh." Emily drank. "I dunno. Maybe. I guess I kinda wanted to live that life, you know, when I was younger. But Granny needed me here."

"I did not know this about you," Antoine said. "Maybe you should get with Arlo instead and you guys can go adventuring together."

Emily scoffed. "Please. I can't take Kahli's man from her like that."

"He's not my man!" she barked loudly, then shrank in her seat and finished her drink. "You people don't let things go, do you?"

Emily sighed. "I need to get laid."

"You and me both," Antoine muttered.

"Oh, hell," Kahli said. "Me too."

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