Chapter 7- Sparking Jealousy

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Kaminari's POV

It was the day after Uraraka and Midoriya's little fight, and they didn't talk to each other at all yesterday after it. Not during lunch, not during the walk to the dorms, not at the dorms, and not even at breakfast this morning. As I sat with Kirishima before we had to leave for school, I could notice the two sitting with their other friends. Midoriya looked gloomy, and Uraraka seemed to be happier to be away from her boyfriend. This only made me think even more then yesterday. Damn my brain has been through a lot of pressure lately.

   It seemed Uraraka didn't care how the argument affected Midoriya...why? Didn't she love him? All she did for the past two days was cling onto him like a koala. But now she's neglecting him because of some little fight? brain just had a whole idea. I can have those?

I rubbed the bottom of my chin and put on my very rare thinking face, which earned me a confused look from Kirishima as he ate his cereal.

If I caused the fight between the couple, does that mean if I somehow, magically kept getting into weird scenarios with Midoriya, it would get Uraraka jealous? With Uraraka jealous, it means more fights, which would lead to breakup, and then Midoriya is all mine! This would also increase my relationship with him, which would give me a higher chance of him accepting me when I confess. Sorry Uraraka, but I need Midoriya to myself, and you need to be out of the picture for that to happen. Sadly this will make him sad also, but I'll just cheer him up with my electric personality. Get it? Electric personality? Because my quirk is electricity- ok I need to stop making my own jokes and talking in my head like someone can hear me.

   Eventually my thinking was put to a halt as we had to leave for school that day. But walking there only made me think even more. It feels like my brain is about to short-circuit...

   If I can get someone from the Dekusquad on my side to help me hang out with Midoriya more, then I'll just attempt to grow closer to him and make Uraraka jealous. Ah, but this would make me feel guilty, and it would make Mido sad. Mido? I just called Midoriya Mido. That's a cute nickname.

   I shook my head. Let's hope I won't have to make myself feel too guilty. Let's hope things play out in my favor and they end up separating naturally. Though I could help a little bit-

No ones POV

   Kaminari's thinking was cut short by his brain going into yay-mode. This thinking was too much for him, it seemed. The rest of the class laughed a bit and joked about it while Sero had to be Kaminari's walking cane the rest of the way to school, and to class. Only half-way up the stairs to the hero course classes did the malfuntioned pikachu come back to his senses. Everyone settled into class before it began, and Kaminari's eyes couldn't help but wonder to Midoriya. He was focused on his blue and white, burnt book that laid on his desk, swiftly writing about some hero. Kaminari wondered if he had a page on everyone in the class, including himself. At that moment, a light bulb illuminated inside of his already fried brain.

During a free period or lunch, he could ask Midoriya about the notes and if he had any on him. This small idea that he had would only be a small step towards his big plan. Midoriya was going to be his, and he swore on it.

I thought I was straight | A Kamideku fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें