Elis, Ava and Zym were all waiting in a small clearing.

As soon as Zym saw us coming, he instantly started running to us. He jumped at Ezran, bringing him to the ground, Ezran just let out a laugh. Zym then perked up, and looked at me, and started running full speed at me, he jumped, and I just cought him in my arms "Hello there" I said and he licked my face, I put him down on the ground and wiped my face "happy to see you too, bud" I said with a chuckle. "What are you all planning on doing?" I asked.

"Well, we thought about making this another flying lesson for Zym, but why not just have fun?" Ezran grabbed a stick from the ground and Zym instantly tried to grab it "catch" Ezran yelled and threw the stick away.

"Ok, and you needed my help for...?" I asked and looked confused at Ezran.

Ezran perked up "oh, right, about that" he pointed up a tall tree, there was a balloon stuck up there "Zym was playing with it, but then the wind picked up and blew the balloon up the tree" he looked back at me with an expecting look "we were wondering if you could get it?"

"Sure I can, but why do I feel like this isn't all" I said and in seconds I quickly ran up the tree, grabbed the balloon and dropped back down, Zym instantly grabbed the string of the balloon and started running in circles with it. I looked at Ezran, who seemed like he wants to say something "well?"

"Well I just thought that you and Rayla deserved a brake, that's all, but Rayla ran off searching for danger, which only proves my point, you both need to relax more" he said with a heartwarming smile "so, what's better than relaxing whilst playing with a wee dragon" he said and pointed at Zym, who was just adorably playing with the balloon.

"You might be right, Ez" I said and smiled back at him "but there still could be danger, we can't let our guard down, so Raylas worries are reasonable" I looked around at others, Elis was sitting and laughing at Zyms adorably funny playing and Ava was jumping around Zym excitedly, they weren't paying too much attention to us, so... I decided to try braking the news to him "Hey, Ez, can we have a talk?" My tone suddenly turned more serious.

"Of course, y/n, what's wrong?" Ezran also sounded more worried.

"Well, the thing is I-"

"Hello there, friends!" I turn around and see Soren walking up to us. Are you serious? The timing with this guy is just perfect! "Ez, Dragon, wolf-girl...wolf, and...elf" he said pointing to each of us

"Soren" I said, my voice filled with venom.

"Y/n, I was actually looking for you" Soren said.

"Why?" I asked

"Well, Rayla was actually looking for you" Soren said casually.

I hesitated "ok then" I slowly started stepping away "watch yourself" I said to Soren and gave him a death stare.

I soon realized that he was, indeed, lying. I was skeptical at first as well, because Rayla wouldn't have asked Soren for help finding me. So, instead of looking for Rayla, I started to look for Soren again.

In the distance I heard some screams, but not screams of terror, screams of joy. I quickly followed the sound.

"Whenever you're ready" I hear faintly from the bushes, then again comes the scream, which now I know is coming from Ezran, Soren has made a Zipline.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" I also heard Raylas voice from the other side of the bush. I guess she was also sceptical about Soren and Ezran.

"I- nothing, what are you thinking about?" He said.

I stepped out of the forest with my blade over my shoulder, just trying to look as cool and as intimidating as possible "I'm thinking that you should go next" I said and they both looked at me, I felt cool as fuck, if I'm honest. Rayla seemed glad to see me, Soren tho, not so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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