Chapter 10

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"I welcome you into the Clan as apprentices, Hazelpaw, Frostpaw, Robinpaw, and Alderpaw." The Clan cheered their names, and the four new apprentices glowed with pride. 

"Hazelpaw! Frostpaw! Robinpaw! Alderpaw!" Jaypaw cheered with them, happy for her cousin, Alderpaw. Their mentors were Bounceleap with Alderpaw, Icefur with Frostpaw, Firefrost with Hazelpaw, and Skyrunner with Robinpaw.

"And with that." Twigstar continued. "The cats going to the gathering are.." 

The gathering! Jaypaw had forgotten. She was going to see all of the other clans today! She'd met them at the SilverTree, but that was just the medicine cats. 

"Duskblaze, Dawnlight, Driftbreeze, Swiftfall, Thunderheart, Echosplash, Stonewish, Troutstripe," she started. Troutstripe had become an elder in the past half moon, being with his mate, Stonewish again. "Jaypaw, and Ravenpaw."

Jaypaw realized that she would be going to the gathering as the solo medicine cat of ShadeClan. She would have to represent for Sunwatcher, who was now awake, but his wound was deep, and the cause was still mostly a mystery. Jaypaw had a bad feeling that is somehow was connected to the dark cats of the Shadow Sea.

"When should we start to leave, Twigstar?" Asked Duskblaze, standing up tall. 

"Right about now, I would say." Said Twigstar. "Cats who are going to the gathering, follow us!"

The sun was all the way set, and the moon beginning to rise. It was full and bright. 

Jaypaw remembered staying up on the full moon nights secretly, with Ravenkit, looking for the full moon, and knowing that over time, when they counted six full moons, they would be apprentices.

As Jaypaw watched Dawnlight and Ravenpaw leave the camp, she began to feel nervousness prickle at her paws. She was going to be introduced to the clans alone. With Ravenpaw, of course, but, well, their terms weren't the best at the moment. Yesterday their whispered argument had caused- not a rivalry between the siblings, but they were certainly angry with each other.

Sunwatcher poked his head out of the medicine den. "Can I go now?" Came a muffled voice from the back of the medicine den. 

Sunwatcher gave a smile, sighing. "Yes, Thunderheart, you can go." Thunderheart bounded out of the den, shook out his thick fur, and dashed over to the entrance of camp with the others who were attending the gathering.

Jaypaw remembered his warrior ceremony, which had happened not long before Jaypaw's apprentice ceremony. Two moons, maybe? Young Thunderpaw had been enthusiastic, which he still was, and always loved playing with the kits.

Sunwatcher beckoned his apprentice from the entrance to the den. When Jaypaw padded over, he said to her, "Do not feel intimidated by the other Clans. You are a strong apprentice, and I fully trust you to represent me at the gathering tonight. You have nothing to be afraid of."

She nodded. "I'll do my best, Sunwatcher." she said. Jaypaw padded over to the entrance of camp, avoiding Ravenpaw's gaze.

"Alright, ShadeClan, we're wasting moonlight! Let's go to the gathering!" Twigstar began to lead the Clan from the camp to the Great Pine, where the gatherings were held. Jaypaw's paws tingled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

They followed Twigstar to the gathering, creeping through the pine woods to the center of the territory, where the Great Pine was. Two Clans were already there, LakeClan and BreezeClan- Jaypaw recognized their leaders from what she had heard- Spotstar and Bristlestar.

Jaypaw noticed her mother immediately rushing over to talk to a tall LakeClan cat. Probably a friend of hers. Jaypaw thought. She made her way over to a group of apprentices from LakeClan and BreezeClan, trying to figure out what they were talking about and debating on introducing herself. She had never been around so many cats before.

There was a small gray she cat apprentice that seemed to be telling a story that involved a lot of battle moves, as she was jumping around. 

"And then", the gray apprentice continued. "I slashed it's muzzle! Like this!" The apprentice slashed a paw through the air, claws unsheathed. She got a couple of uneasy glances from surrounding LakeClan and ShadeClan cats, and a warrior of BreezeClan saw- likely her mentor, as she said, "Mintpaw! We don't unsheathe claws at a gathering! I know this is your first one, but calm down!"

The apprentice, Mintpaw, sighed. "Okay, Juniperheart." She mumbled. Then she caught sight of Jaypaw. "Hey! You! Gray she cat with the pretty blue eyes! C'mere, you wanna here my story of how I fought a dog!?" Juniperheart whirled back around and gave Mintpaw a warning look. 

"My clawless story of how I fought a dog?" Mintpaw said innocently. Juniperheart turned back around with a small huff of amusement.

"Haha, clawless, get it? Like flawless, but clawless?" Mintpaw said. 

"Yeah, I get it. I'm Jaypaw, I'm training as ShadeClan's medicine cat. But unless you'd like to hear a boring story about healing, I'd like to hear yours." she said. She repeated Sunwaters words in her head- do not be intimidated by the other clans. 

Mintpaw and the other two apprentices laughed. "I like you, you're funny." Mintpaw said. "These are my new friends from LakeClan." She gestured towards the other apprentices, both of which were taller than the fluffly gray apprentice by a little bit.

"I'm Rosepaw." One of the apprentices said. She had long, cream colored fur, with pastel green eyes. "This is my brother, Dewpaw." The other apprentice was a tom, and he was white with gray splotches covering his body. His eyes were green too, but more of a leafy green.

As Mintpaw went on about her dog fight, another apprentice approached them slowly, from behind Mintpaw. She was black, with amber eyes. She crept up on Mintpaw, but she saw Jaypaw watching her. She winked at Jaypaw, and just as Mintpaw sat up, finishing her story, the black apprentice pounced on her.

"Aughhhh! Littlepaw!" Mintpaw mumbled as the black apprentice, Littlepaw, tackled her. "!" Yelped Littlepaw as she got Mintpaw pinned to the ground.

The was the sound of a cat clearing their throat,  and the two scrambling apprentices turned to see Juniperheart glaring at them. She raised one eyebrow, and both apprentices immediately sat up, and Mintpaw began to lick one paw and draw it over her head. 

Littlepaw smacked her in the head with her paw and mouthed 'too far!'

Juniperheart nodded and turned back to her conversation. Mintpaw turned back the hers and said "Do any of you have littermates? Because they're super annoy- ouch!" She said as Littlepaw smacked her head again.

"I mean...we're siblings, duh." Said Dewpaw, guesturing to Rosepaw with a paw." His green eyes flicked to Jaypaw for a moment and then he looked away. Huh, thought Jaypaw. Weird.

"I have a sibling." Said Jaypaw. "He's Ravenpaw. He's over there. The black tom with the darkish blue eyes. He's really grumpy." Ravenpaw was sitting with their mother, and was also talking to the LakeClan tom. Ravenpaw looked...

Well, Ravenpaw looked happy. Happier than when he was in camp, at least. He laughed at one of the LakeClan tom's jokes. "Dewpaw...who is that tom Ravenpaw's talking to?" 

Dewpaw seemed almost startled to be addressed. "Oh, that's my mentor, Ripplemist."

"Wow, look at that. No warrior from other clans wants to talk to me." Mintpaw mumbled. "Hey, they look kind of similar. And Ripplemist has your eyes, Jaypaw."

Jaypaw didn't like to admit it, but Mintpaw was right. The curve of Ravenpaw's face matched Ripplemist's, and the shape of their eyes was the same. They were also both tall- Ravenpaw wasn't his height yet, but he was growing. 

Something about the word ripple, just woke something in her mind. Why is that familiar? 

Then she remembered.

The prophecy! Rippling Echoes will cause panic in the clans!

Rippling Echoes...Ripplemist and Echosplash...her mother...could it be? The thought made her momentarily dizzy. 

Could Ripplemist be....her father?

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