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Yuju's POV

I am currently in a convenience store when a heavy rain poured down outside. I have an umbrella so I went out then walked my way to Eunha's apartment. I am really planning to visit her today, I bought snacks and drinks for us to share. I don't think she has some other things to do today. That girl is lazy every weekend and just enjoying her beauty sleep. I smiled as I pushed the doorbell. I waited patiently then smiled widely when Eunha opened the door.

"Yuju? You didn't text or call me that you will visit me today." Eunha asked surprised. Her reaction is so cute that's why I love suprising her.

"I just want to surprise you. I bought us drinks and snacks." I said showing her the shopping bag on my hand.

Eunha looked at the shopping bag on my hand. I thought she will smile then took the bag from me but she looks hesitating.

I frowned. "What's wrong? Are you planning to go outside today?"

"Ah... I have a visitor today, Yuju." Eunha said and I felt disappointed. I just want to spend this day with only the two of us.

"It's okay. Just take this and I will go home now." I said forcing a smile.

Eunha took the shopping bag from my hand then kissed my left cheek. We both smiled to each others then waved goodbye. I sighed as I walked three steps away from her, I was about to take another step when she called my name. I faced her and she smiled at me.

"I think my guest won't mind if you will join us today. Come inside, Yuju." Eunha said reaching a hand to me.


Before I said more, Eunha walked closer to me then hold my hand. She gently pulled me back to her apartment unit. We both enter inside and Eunha entered the kitchen first where she put down in one table the shopping bag then guide me to the dinning area. She entered first and I heard someone talk.

"The food is ready, my princess."

Her princess? Who is she to call my girlfriend her princess? 

I saw Eunha smiled at her so I enter inside. I looked at the other person inside and was shocked when I saw Sowon unnie. She looks shocked too when she saw me.

"Sowon unnie, is it okay if Yuju stay with us until the rain stops?" Eunha asked and Sowon unnie just looked at her. I thought I am the only girl that you will let to enter inside your own space, Jung Eunha.

"S-Sure. Let's eat together. Join us, Yuju." Sowon unnie said as she looked at me. I forced a smile on her. She's my friend but I don't like the idea that she's here with Eunha alone if I didn't come.

"T-Thanks, Sowon unnie." I replied to her then looked at Eunha.

Eunha just smiled at me then told us to sit down. Sowon unnie sat on the chair across Eunha while I sat on the chair next to my girlfriend. We started eating, Eunha and Sowon unnie keeps on complimenting each others while I am just forcing a smile on them. How dare they flirt in front of me? I keep on stealing glances at Sowon unnie. She looks happy but awkward whenever she caught me staring at her. Sowon unnie and I felt so awkward while Eunha is just eating well. This girl looks so good in acting. We just eat in silence after that.


"The rain keeps on pouring and it's becoming more stronger." Eunha said worriedly as she looked from the window.

It's already 8 pm but the heavy rain keeps on pouring outside. I am sitting on the sofa and Sowon unnie is on the other side. Eunha was about to sit in between us so I moved next to Sowon unnie. Eunha looked at me confused but just sat next to me. I smirked cause I am sitting between Eunha and Sowon unnie.

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