Classes and Clashes

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History Class,
         History Teacher asks about Vikings and Germanic People and Lex Luthor answered but couldn't talk more battle at Tutanberg Forests, to which Batmen whispered to Superman and he narrated that during the reign of Augusta Arminius led a coup and had Germanic kill Romans by sneak attacks and how Rome faced humiliation plus Augusta shouted on roads " VARUS GIVE ME MY LEGIONS BACK " and Varus commited suicide.
     Next was Rome and Greece and Diana Prince later Bruce Wayne responded putting Slade, Lex and Max down plus Ares well he was Ares only next to Steve Trevor kinda jealous tbh but he got it and next class was of maths and Barry solved the equation beating zoom.
           After science and Spanish class, Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne met and Slade jumped on him and Bruce Wayne knee his head hard and somebody yelled " OHHH " like Joe Rogan style and Lex Luthor into a dumpster and Clark Kent attacked Max Lord and Joker.
            Principal Wallets office Prefect Rick Flagg of Marine Corps (weird world) and Waller detained all 4 boys and Arthur with Orm too also Manta into a room and Director Alfred Pennyworth came in and said " Master Wayne, No Money will bring you out, make me tea " and Bruce Wayne said " this is my home actually " And lex assault Bruce Wayne again and another brawl ensured Clark Kent pushed Slade into the ground and broke his teeth and Slade knee Clark Kent Jaw and Orm kicked Arthur then Trench and Manta helped but Arthur as a tough guy beat all 3 up " Permission to go " and Principle Waller came in.
                                             And then a Suicide Trip happened, to the mountains of the  California, and they went there at a trip with Flagg, unknown to Flagg, Bruce Wayne is Batman and Clark Kent is Superman ok they all knew of it but Batman and Superman took Slade in to a washroom and Lex leapt up and another fight happened Batman took the seat out and into Slade head and Slade pushed him through a gate and into the window and then Flagg and Floyd went at it and Kurt aka Croc broke a door " STOP IT, CANT EVEN WATCH TV NOW, GO AWAY ".
                       Wayne Manor had rooms for Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Arthur Curry and Barry Allen also Victor Stone there but Victor, Arthur, Mera and Barry Also Iris got their pave now and Lois Lane came there

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