Chapter 42. Decisions, Decisions

Start from the beginning

She cleared her throat and began again, "I'm hoping Emily or Alice told you everything about what happened with the Volterra?"

"Alice did actually," I smiled sheepishly. "I fell asleep." I glanced at Alice over Jasper, "At least I think you did."

She nodded enthusiastically, "Everything. And before you ask, I told them about the talk on the way here."

Bella looked relieved to not go through all that again. I don't really blame her, "Good! Then we're all on the same page here." She took a breath, " So here's the thing. Alice promised the Vulturi that I would become on of you. They're going to send someone to check on me and I know that's a bad thing - something to avoid. And I'm sorry that I involved you guys. But, if you don't want me, then I wont force myself on you, whether Alice or Emily is willing to or not." 

I opened my mouth to tell her something but she interrupted me, " Please, "She pleaded, "Let me finish. You all know what I want. And I think you all know what Edward thinks too. The only way I could think about doing this was a vote. If you don't want me, then I guess I'll have to go to Italy alone. I can't have them coming here." 

Edward and I both growled at the mere thought about them. They always screw things up for everyone. Well, every vampire. I had a debt that I owed them. And that was to kill every last one of them. Even if it was suicide.

"Will that being said." Bella stated with a small smile, "I want you all to vote yes or no, about me becoming a vampire." She looked at Carlisle and motioned for him to began.

"Wait! Wait just a minute." Edward interrupted.

I smirked, 'Of course you would interrupt her Edward.'

He glared at me, "Yes, Emily. I would." He glanced at everyone around him and put his hands on the table, leaning forward, "You see, there was more than one reason why I didn't want to shake Aro's hand in the end. There was something they didn't think of, and I didn't want to clue them in." He then started to grin like an evil mastermind.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my fingers, "Edward, what are you talking about?"  Why was he speaking in code.

"Do you remember, Demetri?" He asked as Bella shuddered.

"Everyone here remembers that S.O.B." My hands curled into fists. I remember him indeed.

"Emily!" Esme scolded.

I sighed again, "Sorry, mom."

"Anyway." Edward continued, "He's a tracker. A thousand times better tracker then James. He finds people by tacking them by their . . .flavor? I don't know how else to explain it. Maybe the tenor of someone's mind. . . and he tracks it them that way.  It works over immense distances. But, since Aro's little experiment didn't work, well . . . " He shrugged.

A small light bulb went on in my head, "You're thinking he won't be able to find her." Smart. "Demetri's relies totally on that other sense. When it wont work on Bella, they'll all be blind. It might actually work. But! With that being said -"

"They'll find you and everyone else," Bella must be a mind reader because that was exactly what I was thinking.

'She's right, Edward. ' I thought. 'What if we do hide her and they find us? What if Alice see's where Bella is going and Aro touches Alice's hand. He'll find out where she is. Not only that, but, what if they kill Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie, Colton, and everyone in Bella's family, and takes you, me, Alice, and maybe Jasper. We'll all be sitting ducks with nothing else to lose.'

"I can take care of myself." He said smugly.

Emmett was, of course, on board with the plan. He laughed, and reached across the table toward Edward, extending his fist, "Excellent plan, my brother."

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