Chapter 29: The "Date"

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There was a day before the second event. You were in the Library and had no clue on how to complete the second task, because you couldn't swim. You never learned how to growing up and you were scared

Harry- figuring out what to do for the next task?

He appeared behind you, you sighed

Y/N- I don't know how to swim..

He widened his eyes

Harry- that's a big problem...

Y/N- it's embarrassing, i'm almost eighteen and don't know how to swim...

Harry- have you talked to Dumbledore?

Y/N- what will he do? Magically have me know how to swim in a day?

Harry- probably

You sighed again

Y/N- maybe I can study a transfiguration spell?

Harry- I don't think studying can help, you need to physically practice

You closed the book

Y/N- why are you helping me?

Harry- because you need help..?

Y/N- thanks Harry, i'll find a way

You closed the book and made your way to the lake near Hogwarts. You took off your robe and stood near the water in shorts and a tank top. You dipped your toe in the water and pulled it back shivering. You then mustered up the courage to walk in the water. You took a deep breath when you reached waist height. You then kicked off the rocks under your feet and pushed yourself forward, keeping your head above the water. You struggled but were able to relax and keep yourself from drowning. You started by swimming back and forth, until you included underwater. That part was really hard. You were struggling under the water, couldn't pull yourself above the water. You kicked as hard as you could but went nowhere. Then something fell in. You looked to see George staring at you, he pulled you up and set you on the beach. You coughed

George- what are you doing?

Y/N- i need to learn how to swim for the second task

George- why didn't you say anything?

You pulled at your soaking shorts

Y/N- because it's embarrassing...

George- well then we have a lot of work to do

He took off his robes and was in a shirt and pants. The two of you went back in the water. He taught you how to swim. Hours later, you could swim down to the bottom and back without help, which is all you really needed to know

George- i'm proud of you! You can swim now!

Y/N- i'm a fast learner. I couldn't have done it without you

The two of you make your way back up to the castle

Y/N- I guess I owe you again

George- oh you do

He smiled mischievously

George- go get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow

Y/N- you've got it

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