Chapter 10: The Mischievous Apology

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You turned to find the Weasley Twins smiling at you while holding snowballs

Y/N- what are you two doing here? Hogsmeade is only for third years and over

George- well your here

Y/N- I got permission from Severus

Fred- of course

Y/N- but that still didn't answer my question, why are you here?

Fred- we snuck out

George- there are at least seven secret exits, only a few Filch know about

Y/N- interesting

Fred- you better not rat us out to your father

You raise an eyebrow at them

Y/N- do i look like the type of person to do that?

George- dunno

Y/N- anyway, what did you guys need? You wrote in your card that you wanted to see me? And thanks for the sweater by the way, I really like it

Fred- our mother made it, or special request

Y/N- I would love to meet your mother, to give her a proper thank you

Fred- you will, someday

George- and to answer your question

They caught up to you as you walked around Hogsmeade

George- we wanted to apologize. We saw you run off to Professor Snape and...when we saw how he was around you, we realised that...he is...nice

It looked as if he was about to vomit as he tried to get the word out

George- we'll never forget that

Y/N- thank you both

Fred- now that that's taken care of

George- Fred...

Fred- let's go cause some mischief

They stood in front of you and held their hands out, big mischievous grins grew on their faces

Both- come and join the big boys

You sighed with a smile as you reached for their hands. They grabbed yours and you all ran around Hogsmeade for the rest of that afternoon. Pulling pranks and jokes on any students in sight

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