🏐Hasegawa Sen: Haikyuu Oc 🏐

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˚。⋆Haikyuu=My New Obsession⋆。˚

Say hello to *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙Hasegawa Sen*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙

Say hello to *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙Hasegawa Sen*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Basic Info˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

Surname: Hasegawa

First Name: Sen

❃Nicknames: Senegawa, Gawasen, Senny/Senny-chan

Height: 165 cm; 5'5

❃Weight: 67kg; 147lbs

School: Karasuno; Volleyball Club Manager

❃Class: First Year, Class 4

❃Birthday: August 25

❃Favorite Food: Dango & Macarons

❃Things Most People Don't Know About Her: She's very athletic, she's flexible(mentally & physically), she's a dancer, and she works at a cat cafe.

❃Most Noticeable Feature: Her bright, green eyes: Random people in her class will call her name just so they can see her eyes better. It confuses the hell out of Sen every time because once she gives her classmates her aattention, they never say anything. They just stare at her for a minute like they're in a daze and go back to their work. Sen is just like..."h-huh?" 0_0;)

❃Odd Habits: Sometimes, if she's wearing long sleeves that cling to her arms, she'll roll up the sleeve on one arm but leave the other one down.

❃Current Concern: Tsukki constantly glares at her for sharing the top spot in their class. He totally doesn't kick the back of her chair throughout the class(*cough* *cough* yes he does *cough* *cough*)



VERY quiet.

❃Sen is very soft spoken. She's completely fine with just sitting in silence with someone, but isn't bothered with talking a little bit either.

❃She'll speak up when she feels it's necessary, or if it'll help someone, but usually just opts to listen to everything around her.

VERY selfless

❃She doesn't think twice about helping anyone out(which is part of the reason she's one of the volleyball club managers) even if it can be an inconvenience to her.

-People do tend to take advantage of that at times, but it doesn't take long for her to notice. So she'll be quick to call them out or simply put a stop to it.

VERY observant

❃Since she doesn't really talk much, she's usually taking in everything around her.

-This helped a lot when it came to the volleyball club. She even had a spiral notebook filled with strengths and weaknesses of Karasuno and other teams.

EASILY flustered

❃Throw a compliment her way, and her cheeks turn the same shade as her hair.(Noya and Tanaka were quick to notice that...poor Sen😅)


🏐How She Met the Volleyball Club

It was Sen's first week in Karasuno, so she was still finding her way around after school had ended. She found herself at the club's practice gym, hearing shoes squeaking and balls bouncing.

Once she opened the door, a volleyball(that Asahi had spiked too hard) came hurdling towards her. Everyone was freaking out when they saw the girl at the door because they thought her nose was going to be broken from Asahi's spike. The entire team's faces(minus Tsukki) were like "(°∆°)!" when Sen received the ball without a problem, sending it back to the court.

Flustered at the team's astonished stares, she gave them a bow and muttered a quiet "Didn't mean to interrupt" and ran all the way home.


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Welp, that's everything I have so far about her!

I'm kinda thinking about opening art requests but idk if I should.

I hope you liked it! Laterz!


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