I guess casper isn't so friendly.

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Well done...

You're such a dumbass....congratulations on getting lost in the school corridors.

You're probably going to get possessed now, run while you still have control over your own body.

You knew about the rumors from the older kids who decided to be assholes and scare the shit out of you.

You were now too scared to go into the bathroom on your own, even though the rumor specifically stated that the supposedly wish granting ghost haunted the girls toilets in the old school building.

You should of stayed with your group...

You heaved a great sigh and slumped against the wall with your head in your knees, which were against your chest.

There's nothing to fear! Ghosts aren't real!! Mummy just says that it's your eyes playing tricks on you and she's always right!

I remember when mummy called daddy a 'cheating bastard' once, he did used to cheat alot in games but when i heard this there was alot of screming and shouting and then a door slammed, daddy never came back...i guess he was a massive sore loser.


At the sound of a new voice, your head shot up in a alarm forgetting about the consequence that was about to occur.
You banged your head pretty, hard againt the stone cold wall...dumbass kid.
You cluched the back of your head in pain as tears formed in your eyes. "Owwww." A headache will surely arrive soon.

"HA! That was a stupid move, boy." The delighted voice spoke out.

You let go of your injured head and wiped the tears away from your eyes and looked up only to be met with a fanged smile, you observed the strange boy who had a pale face, bright amber eyes and brown/black hair, where a hat sat on top of.


At this thought you began crying waterfall tears as you tried to make a great escape but failed miserably as a hand reached out and dagged you back by the collar of your shirt.

"Where are you going? That was such a funny reaction, hahaha!" This time the voice spoke maliciously.

"G-GO AWAY!" You sobbed. You began to stuggle as you felt yourself being lifted into the air....upside down.....with 'vampire boy' having a tight grip on your ankle.

"Oh! So you do speak!" He chuckled.

"P-please don't eat my blood!" You felt the blood rush to your brain the longer you were upside your headache was creating an even bigger headache.

"Huh? Eat? Do you mean drink? HAaha, i'm not a vampire!"

All went silent.

"Your not?"

"Nope! Buuuuuut i am a ghost though!"

Fear once again enveloped your small being. Dizziness crept over you as you begged the newly titled 'ghost boy' to put you down it felt like your ankle was about to fall off.

He complied and placed you not-so-gently on the floor. "My names, Tsukasa Yugi!"

"(y-y/n)." You stutted.

"Well, (y/n) i think were going to be great friends. So i have a offer to make, if you become my assistant when you're older and do everything i say then i wont let you bleed out on this floor were standing on right now." Tsukasa gave you a closed eyed smile and a wide grin that had shown off his fangs.

You looked at him in absolute horror. It was so easy to manipulate someone your age. "I-i..."

"Or maybe i coooould scrafice you to demons or maybe i'll throw you off the roof and into a pile of thorns." The evil little shit suggested.

"You had me at bleed to death"

Tsukasa celebrated by picking you up...upside down...but this time he had his hand around your torso and raced down the hallway and flew down a couple of gloomy looking stairs and into a room named 'The broadcasting room'.

He sat you down and began to explain a ton of things a 5 year old dosen't have the brain capacity to understand. Terrified, you listened to every word he was saying and nodded a few times.

The teaches are going to be really mad when they find me...they'd probably find my dead body floating in a bucket.

 𝑌.𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑎𝑠𝑎 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now