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They taught me not to be feared by dark,but sometimes that specific dark could hurt in many ways possible. Life is like a book

I was looking for my mum around mystic falls, because she hasn't met me at the house.
when i found her, it was rather unexpected to see my father talking to her.

'mum! why is father here?' i said looking at him with a hurt yet angry look.

'listen Elizabeth, I-' my father starts saying and then i interrupt him.

'no! i have waited you for years and you don't get to just show up. i haven't seen you in what? 70-80 years? or was i not a good enough daughter for you?' i say in tears and going near my mum so we can go.
my father just watched me with a frown face.

'look Elizabeth.. I want you to travel back to 1995 to a school for witches and wizards named Hogwarts. i'm sure you heard of it. we need to see how strong they are. but you have to be careful not to let anyone know about your life and more importantly DO NOT let anyone know about your dark side.' he said as i listened quietly

'Yes, I know father, don't have to worry about me like you didn't my whole life. what i am more worried about is that i will have to travel back in time and i don't know if i'm capable of doing that. yeah i'm one of the most powerful witches in history but not even the Bennet witches did it yet. at least non that i know off.'i say looking at them.

'You don't have to worry. Just be precise. i know you have been there before but do this for me. and remember no one can kill you,but you can be harmed.' said my mum

'Yes,mother!' i reply, looking at my father and her

I can't wait to see what comes next.

4th January

The day has finally arrived. As I get dressed, I hear my mum calling me to come downstairs.
i vamp-speed to her and get everything ready for leaving.
as i stood up in the middle of the circle of candles, i start chanting.
and just like that i feel a breeze of wind going past my ear.
i open my eyes and see that it worked. i smile and head to the train.

as I go inside, i walk past, i saw a cabinet with 3 children in it, 2 boys and a girl. that look about the same age as me, so i decide to ask if i could sit with them.

'do you mind if i sit here?' i ask, so the trio stop their conversation and look up at me. the girl smiled and the boy with dark hair smirked, as the red-head just looked at me. the girl was about to say something but then the dark haired boy cut her off.

'no, come in.' he said, looking at me. 'are you new?'

'yeah, i got my letter this Christmas, mist have been late i guess' i lie to them, but i need to so i don't get caught. i turn my head to them and question 'how about you, did you always go to Hogwarts or did you join throughout the years?'

'we were here from 1st year, but i feel like you will fit right in!' said the girl with a smile. 'i'm Hermione Granger and this is Harry and Ron' she continued, pointing at the boys in front of us.

'i'm Elizabeth, Elizabeth Pierce. but you can call me Izzy.' i say, smiling. we talked about a lot of things and i was careful not to say anything that could lead to suspicions, before there was a bit of an issue with a specific question.

'so, do you know who your dad's family side is or if they are alive?' Ron questioned, looking quite curious about my story.
i looked at them for a bit and then looked to the ground.

'oh, they sure are alive' i say, looking at the ground, as a slight smirk appeared on my face. 'i know about them, but i don't really know how or where they are, because i haven't seen them since i was little'. i knew lying was wrong,as my father taught me before he left, but i really didn't want them to know who i am just yet. i don't feel like trusting them to already tell my life story. and the few people who knew about it are either dead or somewhere in the world, living a vampire life.

'oh, i'm sorry!' Harry replied to my response and gave me a sad but smiley look. 'i'm sure they don't know what they are missing.' continued Harry, still smiling at me. i decide to return the gesture smile back. there is something going on with the three of them, but i can't quite put my finger on it.

'Thanks. i really needed that.' i state looking deeply into his blue eyes. we sit there for a couple of seconds, but then he breaks the eye contact and clears his throat.

we feel the train coming to a stop and everyone getting ready to get out of the train and head to the school. as i am walking with the trio, i hear someone staring to talk behind us.

'i'm surprised the Ministry still lets you walk around free, Potter. better enjoy it while you can! i expect that there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it.' a platinum-blonde boy in a black suit leans towards Harry as he speaks. Harry tries to jump at him,like he was about to beat the crap out of him, but Ron holds him back and the boy flinched and went back on his way to the school.
i murmur a spell and make him trip over. we started laughing as the boy quickly stands up and starts walking faster, dusting his clothes up. i mean, he did kinda deserve it. like he doesn't even know the whole story of why Harry used the Patronus Charm in the Muggle world as they call it. he was trying to save his cousin from a Dementor, i believe it's called. i was kinda feeling sorry for him after i found out what his life has been like, but the irony in this is that after all that, he keeps going back to that horrible family. i seriously don't get why tho, he could maybe go live with Ron at the Weasleys. As i heard, he is welcomed there all the time. anyway, it's his life not mine, he does what he wants, even tho the decisions he makes about this are kinda bad. now i get why he isn't in Ravenclaw

here we end the first chapter of this book. i know it's not very long, but i tried to not make to short. i hope you enjoyed and tell me your opinion on Izzy.do you think she will stay friends with the Trio or will they have second thought about her. hope yall have a great day/night byeee.

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