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it was already morning and i haven't slept all night.
i put my uniform on right when i get out of the shower. my class should be starting in about two hours because we have a free period so i have time to do my makeup and do something nice with my hair.

as i'm about to finish,i heard a knock. i would use magic to open it but i don't want to attract any attention to it. ugh how am i going to do this. here they have wands to do their magic for them but me, i don't just rely on a stupid wand to do my spells for me. my mother taught me that whatever you are going up against,you never rely on something or someone else to take care of you.

i open the door and i see Malfoy and another brown haired girl by his side.

'Blaise told us to come and get you' stated Malfoy.

"i'm guessing you are the new Pierce witch." i simply nod and look at her. i put on my robe and shoes, and closed the door behind me. i locked it and put the keys in my robe pocket. i say a spell under my breath so no one could get through. i was one of the most powerful witches that has successfully performed time travelling. there is no chance in someone actually going through this door, not even with that 'alohomora' spell. yes i did my research. and i can hurt them in more than 3 unforgivable spells
as they like to call it.

as we got in the common room,  i saw Blaise and a dark haired boy next to him talking on the couch.

'Zabini, Nott.' Draco said as we approached them. they turned around and saw us, and Blaise gave me a smile.

'you must be Elizabeth. Zabini here told me about you.' the boy said. 'i'm Theo Nott, short for Theodore. pleasure to finally meet you.' he said, winking at me.

'okay, enough with the introducing, what are we doing for the Party this Friday?'

'party?' i ask them

'yeah,coming back party. i'm hoping you have something nice to wear. and to not forget,it's a Slytherin ONLY party.' Blaise said to me.

'maybe we can get ready together if you want.' the girl from next to Draco proposed.

'leave her Pansy, i don't think she wants to even spend time with you.' said Draco dryly.

'hey! don't say that to her. it's my problem if i want to spend time with her or not so if you don't mind,your highness, i would want to get ready with her. at least she is better than getting ready alone.'
i respond to him with a sarcasm tone on the word highness
the boys just stood there and watched as Pansy chuckled a little.

Draco looked directly at me and started
'that's no way to talk to a prefect. you have some nerve to talk like that to me. i could easily get you a detention.' he stated

'you could, but you won't' i said smiling and patting his shoulder as i sat down next to Blaise as he put his arm around my neck.
they all just smirked at me as the so called Prefect just stared at me in shock.
'she doesn't fail to surprise me,but she is right, i won't because i feel there is something about her that i will not be stopping to search for until i find it out.' i hear his thoughts. it's really fun just going into people's minds, see what their thoughts are. it kinda impressed me that he thinks that i am somewhat special. which i'm not gonna lie but, i am pretty cool.

after talking about the party and me and Pansy talking about what we should wear and everything, we noticed we have Potions with the Gryffindors. ugh here we go.
i'm really curious what the trio will say after yesterday. 


as me and Pansy enter the class with the three musketeers behind us, i feel the many looks of the Gryffindors settling onto us. as it seems, we choose to ignore it.
we sit down on a big table in the back corner and just wait for the teacher to start.
'that was just went terribly slow. i think it was the most boring lesson i have ever attended in my whole life.' pansy said from beside me as we exited the classroom.
'yeah, no joke there Parkinson. it was the longest hour to have ever existed.' Theo said from behind.
i just chuckle at their back and forth conversation about how boring the class was.
'what about you Izzy, what did you think for your first lesson here?' Blaise questioned, looking at me.
'well to be honest really i didn't pay attention at all, it was so boring, i zone out for like three quarters of the lesson.' i respond.
they all just laughed and i joined them.

we went in the yard and sat down near a tree.
'we have to go to the Great Hall after lessons, Dumbledore is giving out a speech or something like that.' Draco stated.
'we just have to sit there and do nothing while he speaks about rules and all that type of stuff. and it's not even that important. he keeps on saying the same things over and over again all the time.'
Theo said and let his head drop on the bark of the tree.

as we just chat, i can sense the trio walking past us and we just looked at them. draco was eyeing them up and down is some kind of disgust. i really just thought about what i did wrong that they would hate me.  but if they really don't want to talk to me, i'm not gonna sit around waiting for their forgiveness because i'm not here to sit around waiting for friend and people, i had to follow my parents plan. no one needs to know my secret.

a party couldn't really be that bad, it could get my mind of things and not think about the stupid plan. i hate that i have tho deal with this all by myself but sometimes it's better to do it alone because people can distract you. my mum ran from my uncle Klaus for as long as she had been a vampire, yet she is still alive. i love her and i'm doing this for her. even if she is not here, i still wish she was so she can give me a hug when i'm just so stressed that i could explode. but i have to stay strong for her, because she will hopefully be proud of me.

well this is it. there is the third chapter and already so many different emotions. who is ready for the party? i know i am and sure as hell that so is Izzy! see ya soon. of and little p.s. izzy has a british accent so that is fun as wellllll. okay bye for now

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